has anyone made a good 408 bullets yet


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2004
i still like the idea of a custom 408 rifle(means i want one) but i dontlike the small amounts of bullets out there has anyone been working on that or will this round just fade away with time and i should just go with the 338/378

Wildcat Bullets will be making them when the dies get in. I believe Richard will be making them in the 425 gr range and I think there will be an even heavier version as well.

These will be match quality, Lead Core 408 bullets which should perform much more consistantly over a wide variaty of barrels compared to the solid bullets which will shoot well in certain spec barrels but very poorly in anything but that bore diameter.

Drop Richard a line at [email protected] and see when he expects them to be ready to roll.

I think a 450 gr ULD RBBT would be about the ultimate in this caliber for extreme range shooting.

Kirby Allen(50)
thanks i guess i wait a little longer till i have u build me my gun. i want wait and to see what he comes out with. because im really likeing the 408 now that i will have some choices
Barnes are making 408 bullets. A 400grn and a 419 you can only buy them through TTI armory. The 419 looks exactly like the 50cal 800 grain bore rider but in a smaller version. I have had good luck with them compaired to the lost river bullets. They are a solid bullet but made out of brass instead of copper. They do not foul as bad as the lost river bullets do. Also Tony Mance is making a few 408 solid bullets for me. He is out of california.
Send me an email if you are interested. We have these two styles available (long range at the top and hunting bullet at the bottom).

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