H-870 powder is there any left


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2003
Madison ,ga
I use H-870 in both my 338-378 and my 264 win mag I have a few pounds left .I have checked every supplier and every one is out .I am using Reloader 25 and alot of Norma MPR that I have but the 264 like H-870 best .I hope that Hodgen starts making it all the suppliers say that tons of people are looking for it.The 338-378 like the reloader 25.I cant find any data for either caliber for the Norma MPR powder.My 338-378 also must be cleaned all the way every 40 shots or it changes from a bench rest gun into a scatter gun and one know of a cure?I clean the barrel and almost feel like a slave to it but its a price you pay for so much powder through a little hole.If all the H-870 is gone forever alot of people will miss it !

Get a jug of wc872 on gibrass.com, it loads the with the same data as 870 and is a very good replacement maybe better and the price is right too.

Good Shooting
Tomahawk #1
I just bought 16# of WC872 from Jeff and it is running $5 a pound right now in 8# jugs. Good luck finding any H870--I have 1# left...CJ
It's on the Hodgden Powder website that H870 will be going away because the goverment has stopped using it and it was a mil-surplus powder. That was posted last July '02.

mike try giving wholesale sports in calgary alberta a call as they had a fair amount left last month,1-800-696-0253 price 20.99 canadian.lve been buying as much as lcan afford and yes we are going to miss it
H-870 was a US Government surplus powder which the government stopped using it.
Check with www.gibrass.com AKA Jeff Bartlett. He stocks WC872 ball which the original application is U.S. 20mm Vulcan ammo. WC872 uses same data as H-870. Jeff Bartlett also carries WC860 which I believe is a pull down powder. I tried both in my 338-378 with great results. The WC860 seemed a tad faster than the WC872.


When cleaning your 338-378 try running a patch saturated with some kind of light oil, such as 3 in 1 or other light oil through the barrel after extensive cleaning and before your first shot. This procces works best if you have a very clean metal surface in the bore. What this does is lubricates the first (foul) shot and reduces the overall fouling in the long run. In MOST cases one can expect to double their shots between cleanings before accuracy goes AWOL.
I only have about 40 pounds of the H870 remaining and about 100 pounds of the winchester WMR powder. Both are excellent powders. The WMR is the best I have found for the 338 lapua and the h870 for my 338-378. I guess I need to save the good stuff now for serious shooting only.
PKUSS I have 4 pounds of H870. Would be willing to sell or trade for another powder.
H-870 was a US Government surplus powder which the government stopped using it.
Check with www.gibrass.com AKA Jeff Bartlett. He stocks WC872 ball which the original application is U.S. 20mm Vulcan ammo. WC872 uses same data as H-870. Jeff Bartlett also carries WC860 which I believe is a pull down powder. I tried both in my 338-378 with great results. The WC860 seemed a tad faster than the WC872.

I been using n217 with a 250gr partitions and I get great accuracy with it , in my mkv with the ammo they sale now just 2 bullets choices all you can buy , I have loaded n217 with the 200 gr accubond and got great rounds from it neck size your brass no matter what you do
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