Gun safe inside door organizer ???


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2007
Mt., Id. , SD
Do any of you have any experience with these inside safe door add on panel compartments? I see one advertized that uses velcro and one you have to drill a hole on the inside door panel. I have both Browning and Canon safes and would like a place to put rangefinders, GPS, digital camers etc. in some place other than a shelf. Any + or - comments and what to watch out for would be appreciated.
From looking at inside of my gun safe there isn't much room inside when the safe door is closed, would guess it would depend on the size of your safe.
I have guns on right side with storage on left side taking fully half of the safe.
I attached pegboard to the inside of my safedoor. Then I got some pistol hangars and they work great. (Not mine, but just like it) :


Alternatively you could put GPSs, cameras, etc in trays and hangars. Of course that assumes, like nfhjr62 said, that there's room for those things to protrude into your safe.
You can take the panel in side the door off and if it is wood with carpet measure the areas
that are free and cut holes in these areas and then measure the depth to the back side of
the safe door and attach shelves or pockets to the back side of the plywood and they will
hold quite a bit of gear.

If it is metal just replace it with plywood and do the same.

Most safe doors are thick enough to even hold small pistols.

Just a way to utilize wasted space.

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