Good Pistol Smith’s


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
Looking for a Smith that works on pistols. I have a ruger P85 and some glocks that jam. Location isn't a big deal just want some one that's reputable and won't take 6+ months.
Looking for a Smith that works on pistols. I have a ruger P85 and some glocks that jam. Location isn't a big deal just want some one that's reputable and won't take 6+ months.
Well don't know about the Ruger, but Glock is located not too far from me in GA. They will fix/rebuild/replace for free!!!! My father-in law used to take his Glocks over and they would fix while he waited.
Also don't really know why a Glock JAMS unless it it worn out or extremely dirty OR it is the AMMO. Never the less Glock will take care of it.
I'm a Glock armorer.

An overwhelming number of the "jams" are related to stupid after market "drop in" accessories, after market mags or a person limp wristing the pistol.

Occasionally bad ammo. Like it would have to be really bad ammo or horrible reloads…bought or made to cause jams worth sending out the pistol.
Of course men don't ever like to be told they don't know how to recoil manage a pistol cartridge or that they limp wrist a pistol.
Which is quite similar to Glock company, Glock armorers and Glock fanboi's dont like to hear about Glock feed issues, trigger issues and Glock's firing in the holster/holstering process. Still happens.

FWIW, every Glock I had ran flawless, but I have heard of the other and people always jump on the post writer.
The Glocks are a 23&27 they are both owned a friend of mine. He bought them used, the 27 appears to be all stock and the 23 has an after market slide. That's say TS on it if I remember correctly. Maybe tactical solutions? Both fire one round then Jam. He's tried multiple types of ammo and different mags. We ordered some new mags after looking up the correct ones for the 23& 27 hoping that fixes it. I remember the serial number of the main mags he was using was 1636-03.
The Ruger is all stock.
Which is quite similar to Glock company, Glock armorers and Glock fanboi's dont like to hear about Glock feed issues, trigger issues and Glock's firing in the holster/holstering process. Still happens.

FWIW, every Glock I had ran flawless, but I have heard of the other and people always jump on the post writer.
Lol it's no skin off my back if the gun doesn't work. I cc a 1911 almost year round. The fact I struck a nerve just reinforces my point.

There's been a small a amount of issues with glocks. Especially the 2nd and 3rd gens. Ejection has been a "factory problem" for example.

Feeding is not a problem. There's literally nothing to the trigger. It is the simplest mechanism in the world. And going off in a holster is almost always the user being negligent with any pistol.

Military's and police forces around the world use these guns. Yet this forum is suppose to take the word of someone who clearly has his own bias.
I guess all those cops, agencies and special operations and the likes are all a bunch of idiots, right? :rolleyes:
Had a brand new gen 3 glock that kept jamming. Guy at the range your limp wristing blah blah. Did a little google fu and took it apart. There was an error in assembly from the factory. Fixed that. Ran like a champ. Then sold it lol. I hate the grip angle. The smith just feels and shoots better for me.
On the subject of shipping handguns I have my FFL ship them for me, usually $30-35 without insurance, much cheaper than the other options available to non-dealers usually.

I'm not sure what amount of DIY you are comfortable with but before I would spend the money to send to a gunsmith I would put in new factory or Wolff recoil springs, maybe hammer/striker spring as well (Google is your friend for how). And a brand new factory or Mec-gar magazine. Springs don't always age well and they are cheap. As stated by others, also make sure very clean.

I think you will have a hard time finding a big name gunsmith to do this work, most are overbooked with big dollar custom work and many won't touch repairs or small jobs. You might want to look for a local gunsmith, even at a big gun store in your area. Or contact Glock and Ruger directly if you are ok with timing and cost to ship.

Looking for a Smith that works on pistols. I have a ruger P85 and some glocks that jam. Location isn't a big deal just want some one that's reputable and won't take 6+ months.
To answer the OP, Cylinder & Slide, Fremont, NE
The fix will be right, they'll talk honestly about your options, you won't wonder what to expect. Handguns exclusively since, like, Moses...
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