Well-Known Member
So its not manly to admit what I have done, but I laugh about it quite a bit!
Night before season we glass a decent bull a mile and a half away feeding till dark. No moon, I knew the exact tree I wanted to sit at at first light. Next morning hustle up the hill and get there 30 minutes early. Just as the light transitions from "can I shoot in this?" to "ya, its light enough" he steps out 200yards from where I last saw him. Set up my bipods, already knew the range, good site picture, not real comfortable cause of the steep hill and leveling out the bipods, but everything seemed good........
Pull the trigger, bull hunkers up, walks 10', I chamber another, aim........but can't see! I have blood filling my right eye! Yup.......scope hit me! Cleaned my eye, fired again, flat elk!
I have never hunted off bipods and this year thought I would step up my game from a knee rest position if posible, just due to being uncomfortable forgot to pull the gun into my shoulder!
My bull was around 440yrds just feeding. I practice hitting milk jugs at differnt ranges, but its flat ground. Anyway, 2 hits with the 7WSM, 162 SST's did good!
My dad has a hill he calls "no killem hill". Its very tempting, but whatever dies won't stop till it hits thebottom. The bottom is too bad to get our horses in, so since nobody in our group will carry meat on their back its a lost cause to even look at the hill. I had my elk in camp so I was naturally sending pics home about 45 minutes before dark when.....Boom....Boom! I knew it was dad. A few minutes later I radioed him, sure enough, dead elk on top of his hill. 540yrds on a little spike with a .270 shooting 140 SST's. An hour later we got the horses over there, I had it quartered and loaded in 30 minutes, and in camp by 9 pm.
If I knew how to post pics, I would. It was a good day though!
Night before season we glass a decent bull a mile and a half away feeding till dark. No moon, I knew the exact tree I wanted to sit at at first light. Next morning hustle up the hill and get there 30 minutes early. Just as the light transitions from "can I shoot in this?" to "ya, its light enough" he steps out 200yards from where I last saw him. Set up my bipods, already knew the range, good site picture, not real comfortable cause of the steep hill and leveling out the bipods, but everything seemed good........
Pull the trigger, bull hunkers up, walks 10', I chamber another, aim........but can't see! I have blood filling my right eye! Yup.......scope hit me! Cleaned my eye, fired again, flat elk!
I have never hunted off bipods and this year thought I would step up my game from a knee rest position if posible, just due to being uncomfortable forgot to pull the gun into my shoulder!
My bull was around 440yrds just feeding. I practice hitting milk jugs at differnt ranges, but its flat ground. Anyway, 2 hits with the 7WSM, 162 SST's did good!
My dad has a hill he calls "no killem hill". Its very tempting, but whatever dies won't stop till it hits thebottom. The bottom is too bad to get our horses in, so since nobody in our group will carry meat on their back its a lost cause to even look at the hill. I had my elk in camp so I was naturally sending pics home about 45 minutes before dark when.....Boom....Boom! I knew it was dad. A few minutes later I radioed him, sure enough, dead elk on top of his hill. 540yrds on a little spike with a .270 shooting 140 SST's. An hour later we got the horses over there, I had it quartered and loaded in 30 minutes, and in camp by 9 pm.
If I knew how to post pics, I would. It was a good day though!