french sniper


New Member
Oct 10, 2012
hello !!

my name is jean-pierre my job is sniper in 110 infantry regiment in deutchland my rifle is pgm hecate 2 and frf2 my group is a first nationnal in french i am sniper since 6 years

thank you and sorry for my english !!gun)
hello !!

my name is jean-pierre my job is sniper in 110 infantry regiment in deutchland my rifle is pgm hecate 2 and frf2 my group is a first nationnal in french i am sniper since 6 years

thank you and sorry for my english !!gun)

That's cool welcome to the site, I worked with some of your military in 2003 in Afghanistan they were good guys. Is that rifle you mentioned the one with the wood stock? I remember them looking very dated.
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