First Deer


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Foothills of North Carolina
Bit late posting this one and I don't figure it quite counts as long range, but my boy got his first deer on his 6th birthday this year. The boy's pretty tough with his cut down howa in 223 and I let his papaw talk me into letting him have a go at it. 5x8 tower stand was barely big enough for him to shoot from his bog death grip with my dad on the binos and myself on the back up gun. No follow up necessary because he drilled him at 140 yds. Pretty sure we got a lot more excited than he did! Nov 26th was a good day fellows.


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Now, THAT'S pretty cool indeed. Three generations present for a successful hunt AND on the little guy's birthday no less! Congratulations to all of you. ;)
Bit late posting this one and I don't figure it quite counts as long range, but my boy got his first deer on his 6th birthday this year. The boy's pretty tough with his cut down howa in 223 and I let his papaw talk me into letting him have a go at it. 5x8 tower stand was barely big enough for him to shoot from his bog death grip with my dad on the binos and myself on the back up gun. No follow up necessary because he drilled him at 140 yds. Pretty sure we got a lot more excited than he did! Nov 26th was a good day fellows.

140 yards is a mile for a six year old on his first deer. Congratulations to you all.
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