Finally happened to me..šŸ˜

Yes. If he doesn't refund you he is a dirt bag and make sure other buyers know. To me it is no different than buying from a retailer.
I have to give the seller credit where it's due. He has maintained contact with me throughout this ordeal by text and phone callsā€¦ā€¦but issuing me a refund has NOT been mentionedā€¦ā€¦..yet. šŸ˜
That's good to hear. I would cordially bring up a reasonable amount of time for it to arrive in my mind that would be two weeks and if it doesn't arrive in that time you would like a refund just so it is part of the conversation early. It's not his fault either but as I said before you made good on your part of the deal. To me it is no different than him sending the item before getting paid and the payment never coming.
Well, as most of you know I do quite a bit of buying/selling/trading on this site and have recently begun the same over on Accurate Shooter.
On October 31st I bought a Farley CoAxial rest from a gentleman in North Carolina ( He insured it for $1,000 (I paid $925 for the rest), shipped it the next day and provided tracking info. After processing the rest went from North Carolina to West Virginia to Lexington, Ky in 9 hoursā€¦ā€¦ā€¦and then **POOF**ā€¦disappeared. According to tracking it was set to be delivered on November 3rd..showed "Out for Delivery", but never showed up. On November 4th the status went back to "Processing at UPS facility" and it never changed from that. I spoke with my local driver and he told me that the package had been scannned & uploaded to his tablet, but never put into his truck. Here's the weird thingā€¦he also said he had backed into my driveway on the indicated delivery day, but when he couldn't find the package on his truck he left. I'm calling "BS" on that one because I was home all day/all night and never saw or heard anything. My 4-legged roving doorbell "Norman" also never made a peep. šŸ¤”
On November 8th I spoke with his supervisor and she told me that she and the "security team" would make several sweeps through the HUB and attempt to locate the package (which weighed in excess of 35 lbs by the way). It was NEVER located. I could not file a claim on the package because "I" was not the one who insured it and even if the claim was honored the refund check would be sent to the insurer/seller/shipper. So, I contacted the seller and he filed a claim through UPS and they opened an "investigation." (Insert laughter here) Yesterday, I received a notification that the "Investigation" was CLOSED and more "Merchandise Description" was needed for further action. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Here we goā€¦.
So, it appears that a fight is indeed in the making and I'm completely powerless to do anything about it because I'm not the one who insured it to begin with.
Here's a question for you guysā€¦ā€¦If this was you would you ask the seller/shipper to refund your money and let HIM fight the claims process (since he's the only one who can) or would you just sit and waitā€¦ā€¦.and HOPE UPS actually sends a refund to the shipper and he actually refunds your money upon receipt?šŸ¤”
Sorry about the bad news, Brother. "I" would contact the seller and see what he can do. Let him make a claim as the insurer - an honest man like yourself will do the right thing. Good luck!
Sorry about the bad news, Brother. "I" would contact the seller and see what he can do. Let him make a claim as the insurer - an honest man like yourself will do the right thing. Good luck!
Thanks, buddy! So far, the seller has been really good at communications and filing the initial claim and he seems like a "straight up" guy. He's even mentioned getting his attorneys involved if UPS doesn't do the right thing. We shall see. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
Thanks, buddy! So far, the seller has been really good at communications and filing the initial claim and he seems like a "straight up" guy. He's even mentioned getting his attorneys involved if UPS doesn't do the right thing. We shall see. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
That sounds promising, Brother; good luck to both of you. Cheers!
Defining reasonable period of time is tough, but I would not expect a refund until the investigation is closed.
Very trueā€¦.what's "reasonable" to one may not be to another. This "investigation" was closed as of yesterday for what appears to be a lack of "merchandise description?" šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
I don't see how a description matters when it's really about the "declared amount" of insurance purchased. I mean, come on nowā€¦..
Very trueā€¦.what's "reasonable" to one may not be to another. This "investigation" was closed as of yesterday for what appears to be a lack of "merchandise description?" šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø
That's exactly the kind of paperwork they(usps) wanted from me.
well sorry to hear of your situation, I know what its like to have things lost or stolen from the mail

I went thru having mail stolen from my mailbox a few yrs ago,
as I had items, claimed to been delivered, , yet were NOT at my place, so got tired of hearing a story with no proof and added a bunch of camera's!, which I HIGHLY recommend anyone do these days! they came a long way in how easy they can be to add and even costs wise, and can save a lots of what if's and stories with no proof!

SO< MY suggestion is, add camera's for future issue's as I doubt things will get any better with delivery and how so many folks steal mail and packages anymore!
it will at least rule out and provide proof, something was or wasn't delivered!
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I shipped a scope last year 3k scope i took it in had ups wrap it. When it arrived buyer said it had huge scratch on it. Luckily for me i took pictures of it in the ups store date stamped and receipt. I had 100% proof they damaged it in either wrapping or shipping. It still took 3 months to get paid back. They made me jump through a bunch of hoops asking same after same questions. This was me hounding them and my local ups store manager helping me hound them. Id press seller to refund that way hes got a dog in the fight as of right now real easy for him to say screw it.
Id press seller to refund that way hes got a dog in the fight as of right now real easy for him to say screw it.
This right here would be my only concern. I've already paid him. He's out NOTHING at the present time. šŸ˜ However, I couldn't ask for better communications from him thus far and his 'Trader History' and forum involvement suggest that he's good to go. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø