Did anybody catch this on Fox ?

We use to strap our elk and deer heads on the front winch bumper for the ride home. I suppose that is not politically correct nowadays
Afriend and I hunted in Utah over 40 years ago. We got our deer. We also come across a dead buck that had been there for about a year. Nice rack. So we brought them back to Mexico-North tied in the jeep. Other hunters coming back from hunt had there tied on too. Anyway we stop for gas. We had several car or pickups stop to check those horn out. People were givin us the thumbs up. 😂
Afriend and I hunted in Utah over 40 years ago. We got our deer. We also come across a dead buck that had been there for about a year. Nice rack. So we brought them back to Mexico-North tied in the jeep. Other hunters coming back from hunt had there tied on too. Anyway we stop for gas. We had several car or pickups stop to check those horn out. People were givin us the thumbs up. 😂
Northern Mexico. California. Kommiefornia. Get out Mike. Soon ! 😉🇺🇲
Some guys just go out of their way to tarnish the image of American sportsman. This display reminds me of something my wife says, "just because you have money, it doesn't mean that you have class".

Amen to that, I've not read the whole thread but if indeed someone was this stupid all I can say is wow...........!

Does nothing for us in the long run that's for sure
I've done the opposite. It wouldn't be unusual for me to have a harvested animal on the rack of my truck. But being aware of the sensitivities of non-hunters, especially women and little children, I wrap them up in a big blue tarp. Adults know what's under the tarp but it's not put right in their face.

I don't see that as bowing to anyone. I'd rather not offend anyone or bring negative attention to our sport. A little discretion goes a long way. I taught the state Hunter Safety program for 35 years. Elevating the image of modern sportsmen was a big part of our program.

Good words! Smart way of going about it
Correct Rosebud, they did and that was accepted then.

Today is a different day, we have big enough targets on us as it is. No reason to blow it up more.

There was a ton load of ways to get that cat to town and or taxidermist. This was all about show and ego!

Just my opine, doesn't need to be anyone else's
In NYS it was, at one time, required that hunters openly transport their harvested biggame animals on the outside of their vehicles. However, over time it was realized by the Conservation Dept that the practice was more harmful to regulated sport hunting than it was beneficial. Today, the law allows you to place your harvested animal in or on the vehicle. An additional problem that surfaced with transporting a harvested animal outside of your vehicle is that it is illegal to have anything secured to the outside of a vehicle while driving on any parkway in the state. Sometimes this is overlooked and other times it is not.
That cat is just like that car.....there to inflate the ego of a small man.
Legal hunting is legal hunting. This is where our advanced society has left most with no clue as to what real life is or was.
Following dogs in central Missouri will put most men down nowadays let alone those who follow them in snow in the mountains.
Most cat hunts in the mountains are grueling.
Legal hunting is legal hunting. This is where our advanced society has left most with no clue as to what real life is or was.
Following dogs in central Missouri will put most men down nowadays let alone those who follow them in snow in the mountains.
Most cat hunts in the mountains are grueling.
First of all, you have no idea if the harvest was done legally. Second of all, nowhere did I mention the legality of anything. There's another saying that comes to mind here, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". But it takes common sense and maturity to understand these things, and we all know those are increasingly in short supply....
We all have different opinions on whats right or wrong or PC. I am tired of bending over to satisfy someone else's feelings. We hunt, we kill, we don't harvest unless mushrooms, we eat wild game, not apologizing how I transport my kills. I've been screamed at, been saluted, been threatened for animals in truck bed. I've had my truck vandalized by anti hunters while parked. Subsequently caught them which is another story.

I'm done giving up one more inch to placate someone's feelings. We kill to live whether indirectly at grocery store or directly through our own means. I do not ask for anyones approval to do so nor do I need it. It seems everyone wants approval or give approval of how they live their lives. Nope, not needed.
First of all, you have no idea if the harvest was done legally. Second of all, nowhere did I mention the legality of anything. There's another saying that comes to mind here, "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". But it takes common sense and maturity to understand these things, and we all know those are increasingly in short supply....
..... and you know this man is a small man inflating his ego....

So do you think cats shouldn't be hunted? There are many biologists who think
there are more cats now than at anytime in USA's history.
Many states are legalizing night hunting for predators....thermals, night vision, lights etc.
Why? It sure isn't so small men can inflate their ego. It is because they are in dire need of having their populations
put back in balance.