Daughters rifle build? Sherman sst or ss?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2018
Ok my daughter is 10 next year she can hunt deer. I’m thinking of building her a gun she can grow into and something I can use also. I’m thinking of one of the Sherman short cartridges. I know Ritch is having his grand kids use a 6.5sst with 120g bullets and a reduced load with a faster burn powder. Now I’m thinking of doing this for my daughter that way when she grows up we can turn it up on the same rifle. Plus I could in the off season shoot a full load for my self shooting steel and what not. Now give me ideas on stocks or chassis? I would like her to be able to grow into this. And be able to turn it up with heavier bullets when she’s older for elk, moose. 6.5, 7mm ss or sst? I hope Ritch pokes into this thread. But biggest thing I want to keep it lighter but accurate. Don’t worry about budget I’m thinking a bighorn origin action, barrel I don’t know what to go with yet, might run a break but would like the option of a can. What’s the shortest any of these would be the best efficient yet? But biggest thing is figuring out what to do for a stock. I have two kids that will go through this rifle.
Start her out with a 120-130 class bullet around 2700 and recoil should be minimal with plenty of killing ability as you essentially made a 6.5 CM of it.

I am not a chassis guy as they just aren’t that comfortable for me. The Manners mcs-cs is my plan for my son and set up 2 scopes, one with eye relief set up for short lop for kids and one at normal eye relief for me.
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For a chassis, check out xlr element 3.0 magnesium. I have one and love it. As for interchanging with your daughter and you shooting it, check out this video by Luke Connor on LRO. He uses his with his children and just carriers extra buttstock set up for his young children. Hope this helps.

Darn that video isn’t working. Never mind I found it.
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I’d go with a 7 SS. You can buy formed brass. Load light for now and have plenty of punch and long range power as she grows.
One more thing to throw out there if you are using rifle for two people.

I'm running a Big Horn Origin with Switch lug from West Texas Ordnance. I have four barrels I can screw in and out of switch lug: 22-250, 6XC, 7mmSAW (like a 7mm-08 AI) and 338 Sherman Short Mag. Pretty much covers the spectrum for me for any North American Hunting I want to do and is very accurate. You can check out West Texas Ordnance Website and they have videos talking about the Switch lug system. Very easy to use and repeatable accuracy. Never have had a problem with it. Just shot a big Texas Aoudad with it a couple weeks ago.
Start her out with a 120-130 class bullet around 2700 and recoil should be minimal with plenty of killing ability as you essentially made a 6.5 CM of it.

I am not a chassis guy as they just aren’t that comfortable for me. The Manners mcs-cs is my plan for my son and set up 2 scopes, one with eye relief set up for short lop for kids and one at normal eye relief for me.
Excellent advice!

I "up the ante" by suggesting a 100 grain bullet at the same 2700 fps. There are several excellent hunting bullets in this weight class. They do remarkably well out of the 6.5 Grendel in this class of velocity.
I’m thinking I might just get a cheap Remington 700 plastic stock that’s for the youth model. They are like $50 I can paint how she wants with a sponge and rattle can, and not be out much when they grow out of it. Will a factory Remington stock like this work for a big horn action I would think it would.
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