Coues Hunt 2019


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2015
Mesa, Az
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You are really yanking on my of these years I am gonna have fo bit the cactus......always wanted to look for the greyghost....
I have blacktail..mulies..idaho whitetail....roosevelt elk..rocky elk..
What better way to end then a coues deer.....
Congrats on a nice buck!

I was able to accompany my brother in-law and niece on her first hunt (youth Cous Deer hunt) for several days just before Thanksgiving down in unit 33. All I can say is "WOW", those little Cous deer are definitely not like hunting Elk in Colorado. Those little suckers sure blend into the countryside. All we were able to find were does and plenty of them, sure seemed like the bucks had left town for the week. Definitely caught the Cous deer bug. Hopefully I can get back there for a hunt of my own in the near future.
Here is a picture of her doing dry fire practice on a broadside doe at 460 yards. Too bad it did not have antlers, she was able to cycle the bolt and dry fire numerous time before it went behind some brush and bedded.
Yeah they blend in well for sure, especially on overcast days. 33 is pretty much my back yard and will be Javelina hunting there in Jan.
Mash, nice story and pics. The Coues are spreading over the state and I'm seeing them in greater numbers in new areas. Sure would be great to see pics of your Desert Bighorn!!!
You are really yanking on my of these years I am gonna have fo bit the cactus......always wanted to look for the greyghost....
I have blacktail..mulies..idaho whitetail....roosevelt elk..rocky elk..
What better way to end then a coues deer.....
Make sure you go with someone who knows what they are doing when it comes to hunting coues. They are a tough critter to find and kill and it can be a hot frustrating trip if you try to wing it.
I know better than to try to wing it on what would probably be a once in a lifetime hunt....thats the drawback to going.....
I spent five years in northern idaho chasing whitetail before i pulled the trigger on this buck....still not sure he is TBE one i went up the mountain for...but he did come down the mountain.....taste okay too.....still trying to decide how to tell the story.....a few here know parts of day......


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Mash, nice story and pics. The Coues are spreading over the state and I'm seeing them in greater numbers in new areas. Sure would be great to see pics of your Desert Bighorn!!!

Not my ram but my buddy. I was hoping to fill my deer tag to help him on the sheep hunt. He killed it the first morning, then came back down to deer hunt with me and shot a nice buck as well.
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