Chargemaster Lite Question


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2019
San Antonio Valley CA
I just got my new C M Lite and the charging mandrel/tube slips badly on the drive pin. The slightest pressure with my fingernail will make it rotate. Without any pressure it just slips and will rotate erratically. I pulled it out and it is threaded but doesn't want to engage and hold on the plastic drive pin. Is it supposed to be threaded down or is it a slipping friction fit?
It should thread on until it's snug. Just keep turning with ur fingers until it's tight and you should be good to go
I called RCBS Monday morning and that's what the service tech said. Just screw it on pretty forcefully until the motor spins.
Something interesting was he said if there's any problems to send a copy of the receipt and they send out a new one within the first 30 days and the return packaging. After 30, you have to send it in then they send a new one.
If u running a chargemaster lite area 419 Is making replacement base and pan setup! Mine should be here tomorrow! Should make it easier to handle espicially if u run it tandem with lab grade stuff and trickle up! Anywho when I first got mine it did same thing was very loose I un-threaded it and cleaned it and then a dab of loktite and back on never had a problem again!
Just check all the boxes, times it by 2 and we can sell off what we don't need. Let's use that guys address in Norway as billing address. I'm starting to like this idea.
Just had a look, that 419 gear looks sweet!

You guys are so lucky over there, we have to pay through the nose for postage to over here, that is IF they will ship at all :(
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