
Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
South Carolina
I'm in the market for a new, large cooler. Ideally looking for at least a 150 quart size.

What is the best value cooler out there nowadays? It would need to retain ice for a least 5 days.

I know Yeti has a strong following, but there's no way that $680+ is value for a cooler (at least in my eyes).

Any opinions? RTIC, Coleman, Igloo, Orca, others?
Calcutta has been good for us and so has RTIC. We have used Yeti and really can't tell much difference as far as ice keeping and durability
Coleman with expanding foam all around it and the lid does wonders for improving insulation. Saves a lot of money for more "wants and needs."
I'm in the market for a new, large cooler. Ideally looking for at least a 150 quart size.

What is the best value cooler out there nowadays? It would need to retain ice for a least 5 days.

I know Yeti has a strong following, but there's no way that $680+ is value for a cooler (at least in my eyes).

Any opinions? RTIC, Coleman, Igloo, Orca, others?
Try this site.
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