Bench bags - suggestions

Bob the nailer

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2009
What bench rest bags have you had good results with? I tried Uncle Buds and Cadwell tack driver, I want something that grips the forarm nice to reduce slip and have good height (like the cadwell). Any one try a "Dog Gone Good" bag? I also have the metal tri leg type but prefer a front bag.
Bob I have the stoney point bag. It is about 9 inches high and I can wedge my guns down into it rather well. When firing my 22-250 moves about 1/2 inch and the 300wsm about 2 inches. I also cut a piece of 2 inch thick styrofoam for the bag to sit on for extra height, keeps me from sckrunching down on the bench.
+1 on the stoney point bag.

All bags seem to need a little additional height as mentioned above in my opinion...
protektor bags, galeton pa. are leather and have been around for decades. they are used by many bench rest shooters. most use powder on them to help the rifle slide smoothly. its hard to stop movement, but there are ways to help control it.
I have seen some of the bags that Sebastian makes (owner of Sebrest) and their awsome. Ernie Bishop is the Rep for them and I think you can order them from him. These are really nice bags guys.
Also, isn't Sebrest one of the sponsors??
I have 2 dog gone good bags. 1 large and 1 med. The quality is first rate.

I haven't seen any thing else that comes close.

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