Bases and rings!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2012
I just purchased the Vortex Viper 6.5-20x44 and i am looking for some rings and a base for it but now clue what i am looking for! it will be going on my savage 10 flcp-k in 308 i am looking to shoot out to 1000 yrds! Thanks for your help
Unless I am mistaken, your scope has a 30mm main tube, so you'll need rings that are 30mm. Vortex has a couple different style rings of which I prefer the precision matched rings. These particular rings are manufactured for Vortex by Seekins Precision, who also sells the same exact style rings from him web site. Compare prices and availability from different places and they'll be about the same.

As for a scope base, I'm not as familiar with Savage actions. I would suggest using a picatinny spec rail but this isn't completely necessary, you might be able to find a two-piece base set-up out there somewhere. In either case, I'm almost positive you'll need a 20 MOA base with that scope to get the .308 out to 1K.

So in a nut shell, my suggestion would be to find a one piece 20 MOA picatinny rail that'll fit your action and then find some 30mm rings that will attach to a picatinny spec rail. This isn't the only option, just my personal suggestion. We have some of the Vortex rings in stock for the 30mm scopes if you are interested.

I just bought the same scope. I went with the 30mm precision matched rings from Vortex; 0 MOA EGW rail. Didn't need a 20 MOA rail for this gun as it is a 500 yd gun.
Folks should be encouraged to point out quality and value even if it sometimes sounds like or even really is a sales pitch. My opinion, without knowing the accuser or accused. I don't sell anything on here or relative to the industry but ask me about different brakes, certain stocks or barrels or anything I happen to have significant experience with and I will make a sales pitch for someone, based on my experience in attempt to save folks from repeating mistakes I have made or missing out on value it took me a long time to find.
And you sound like you have never used or even seen any of Richards bases or rings.:D

They are second to none...


I never said they werent top did I? The posting could have been phrased totally different so that it didnt sound as it does
My favorites are the Talley lightweights. No heavy rails, no 4 different pieces that weigh more AND give more options of failure. They simply WORK. I put them on my sons Savage and have never looked back.
My favorites are the Talley lightweights. No heavy rails, no 4 different pieces that weigh more AND give more options of failure. They simply WORK. I put them on my sons Savage and have never looked back.

I have a set of the Talley Lightweights on a .243 hunting rifle. Thay are pretty nice set-up for not needing a base/ring combo. But I didn't see any of these listed on the Talley site for a Savage that also have an additional elevation built in. I could be completely wrong, but I'm pretty sure his scope and rifle will need some extra MOA built into his mounts to get him out to 1K. Nobody will know for sure until he gets it mounted up with SOMETHING, zeroed, and figure out how much elevation he has left in the scope.

My favorites are the Talley lightweights. No heavy rails, no 4 different pieces that weigh more AND give more options of failure. They simply WORK. I put them on my sons Savage and have never looked back.

Right on! I have a set on a Stiller 22-250 walking varminter. Good price; great quality and they work superb. What more can a guy ask for??
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