Aussie Long Range shooter rendezvous.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2008
Any aussies out there that would be interested in getting together for some informal long range target shooting followed by some deer hunting?

I am looking to organise something for down here in Victoria.
You can count me in.
I'll bring the 2 new rifles Geoff is building for me.......The Parrot and Cheyenne.
Do you think they will be competitive.
Picking the Parrot up tomorrow with its 12-42x56 NF scope as you already know.
Cheyenne is still a couple of weeks away from completion according to Wild Bill.

You can count me in.
Picked the Parrot up and went to the range with Geoff and Wild Bill to check out just how good this rig might be..
We fired 15 shots to begin the initail break in of the barrel with careful cleaning procedures between shots.
That being done we then loaded up some known accurate loads and had the Parrot grouping less than 3/8" groups at 300 yards on the first firing of the cases over ten shots..
Bill shot his 3/8" 5 shot group and I followed shooting another 5 shot 3/8" group at 300 yards.
The rifle has only shot its first twenty five shots on cases that aren't even formed to the chamber and is already producing less than 3/8" groups at 300 yards.
You may well ask just how good is this rifle.
Geoff is an absolute master of building exceptionally accurate rifles that really do shoot.
You only have to see how many of his rifle builds actually win and hold titles across the ountry in various categories.
He is simply the best, thanks Geoff for a great rifle build.
We did a shoot late last year up Omeo way.
Had a great time and got in plenty of LR shooting.
Looking to do another one some time in the future so if you are interested drop me a PM or catch up with the organisation of the thing on our site.
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