Aussie Sambar hunt success

Mate my gun will be ready in 3-4 weeks at most shane has my 28 inch lilija my DE 4 port break and my MKV weatherby + 2 dummy rounds with 300gr smk's up front. Can't wait to get it .
When is your gun due?

Will have to organize something , I love to pack in and ain't scared of the cold. We had a good property down that way but the local boys are ruining it with the electric dog. They shoot everyhing they see :-(
My new lightweight 7mm wsm is nearly finished. Stock turned up yesterday so will post when i get it home gun)
Should be the ticket for those big beasts and still have the legs for a long shot if one presents itself :cool:

Hopefully my "longrange" 7mm wsm tactical hunter will be ready soon then i can give that a workout too.....maybe catch up with you blokes for a shot :D

Hey Jimbo,

I am real interested in those 7m WSM rifles of yours. Can you provide the detail and pictures? Who's building them?

After my EDGE is finnished I plan to build a light weight 7mm WSM for remote area back pack hunting. I think a 160 to 180 grain bullet out of the 7mmWSM would make a fine load for Sambar out to 500 or 600 metres.

What I am thinking is to put a 2.5-10x32 NF NXS scope on the rifle as it is a good medium weight scope that should maintain the balance of the rifle. It should also have great tracking ability needed for long shots at 10 power. At 2.5 power it would be excellent at close range or poor light conditions.
Mate my gun will be ready in 3-4 weeks at most shane has my 28 inch lilija my DE 4 port break and my MKV weatherby + 2 dummy rounds with 300gr smk's up front. Can't wait to get it .
When is your gun due?

Will have to organize something , I love to pack in and ain't scared of the cold. We had a good property down that way but the local boys are ruining it with the electric dog. They shoot everyhing they see :-(

Hi Jawz,

Shane must have ordered my barrel from Lilja just after yours. Two weeks ago he said it was due anytime so lets hope it turns up soon. I don't like the sound of that US$250 tax on Lilja barrels!!!! I also sent him a bunch of dummy rounds and some 300 grain SMK's so both rifles should have similar chambers, cut with the same reamer. My rifle is based on a brand new unfired Sendero. The barrel was ordered at 30" with a slightly over size Sendero profile. Also asked for a DE brake. Interesting to see the results.

A get together some time after we all have our new rifles, should be a lot of fun. I would look forward to it. There is a lot of country down here where we could hunt Sambar that would test out our long range rifles. And no electric dogs, I don't agree with that crap.

I am off to NSW in early May for a goat hunt. My brother is comming down from Queensland and we are meeting half way for a get together.

These goat hunts are a great way to practise long range shooting. Pitty my edge is not ready, I will have to use my 25-06 and 338WM instead. My brother has a new 270 that he is keen to try out so it should be fun.
Hey Topshot,

Both rifles started life as factory Howa 1500's stainless in 7wsm. I have a pse composite stock for the lightweight with another on the way for the tactical hunter. Awesome stocks similar to Mcmillan htg but with better materials and better service and turnaround. Edi is great to deal with and trolls this site occasionally. They not cheap as he is in Ireland and the euro exchange rate is not flash for us but worth it after I saw it in the flesh. Top notch product:D
I then got my smith to true the action face, lap the lugs, check and adjust the headspace, recrown, tune trigger to 2lbs and skim bed (pillar bedding not needed with Edi's stocks due to the way he makes em). Am trying out the factory barrel for now to see how they shoot seen as i got 2 of em. If they shite i will rebarrel and go again. Currently waiting on my one piece picatinny rail and nightforce ultralight rings and 2.5-10x32 scope which is waiting to clear customs as the first shipment of this product has not hit our shores yet. My schmidt bender 1.5-6x42 zenith will have to do for now :)
Have 160gr accubonds and hoping to get to 3000fps with good accuracy (should be devastating):D

The tactical hunter will have an MAB heavy barrel (cos my smith likes em and i have good reports) finished to 24" as i dont like huge long barrels. A box mag setup using accuracy international mags from Roedale precision in Germany. One of his muzzle brakes and 20 moa rails and nighforce ultralights topped with nxs 5.5-22-50. I also have a defensive edge ACI/ACD mount for my scope rings. My smith is doing a number on the action as with the lightweight hunter. Have 162gr amax's and hoping for 3000fps with the accuracy to match.

I love tactical rifles so all mine have that flavour about em gun)

When i get them complete will post pics. The lightweight should only be a few days. Tactical hunter maybe couple of weeks.

Thanks for the interest mate

Nice one Norm.

I like the pictures of the exit wound.

More incentive to get that 300 Wthby Accumark of mine going up high!

Still waiting for the N/F scope I ordered nearly 2 months ago.. maybe another couple away by the sounds.

That Howa 300wsm build of mine isnt that far away..Ultra Light backbacker and I'm still tossing up if I should fit the Harrells Brake? I did order another Brake for the Sendero 300 RUM another mate of TT's has..

TT is heading up on Sunday in the home of blooding the 30/378

Nice one

Regards TB
Nice one Norm.

I like the pictures of the exit wound.

More incentive to get that 300 Wthby Accumark of mine going up high!

Still waiting for the N/F scope I ordered nearly 2 months ago.. maybe another couple away by the sounds.

That Howa 300wsm build of mine isnt that far away..Ultra Light backbacker and I'm still tossing up if I should fit the Harrells Brake? I did order another Brake for the Sendero 300 RUM another mate of TT's has..

TT is heading up on Sunday in the home of blooding the 30/378

Nice one

Regards TB

Hey TB, How's it going.

Took me over 4 months to get my NF scope, so you may have to wait a while yet?

What stock are you putting on that 300WSM Howa? Sounds like it is going to be the "Ducks Nuts" for a light weight rifle.

Tony wanted to go for a hunt on his return to Aus, but I can't go as I will be preparing for my trip on the goats up to NSW the Saturday after. Got to get me some brownie points from the missus so that I can get back up the high plains and bag another Sambar. Sure hope TT gets a Sambar. I would like to see how that .300/378Wby performs.

My Brother is comming down from Queensland in July after our goat hunt. We are hunting Sambar for 7 days. In the mean time I will be hitting the Sambar flat out on my days off. I need to get one of my easier spots sorted out for him as he is not use to absailing. LOL:D
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