"Assault Rifle" photos


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2009
Sweet, Idaho
Okay, here are some photographs of the dreaded assault rifles. When you are engaged with someone who is against assault rifles or the 2nd amendment, show them these photos, ask them to point out the assault rifle and then when they show their ignorance, tell them they are the exact same rifle.
I did this a couple of times already and they all said, "no way, they are different."
As the saying goes---"You can't fix stupid."



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I ALWAYS explain the proposed bill-----matter of fact, I carry a copy of it with me as well as a small copy of the United States Constitution. I use the photos as an example of how stupid this ban really is. Most people think that she is just going after the military type assault rifles (whatever that is) which is why I carry a copy of the bill---it shows clearly what "they" intend to do. You can explain it all you want to folks but when they see it in print, I think that it has a little more impact, so to speak. I also printed it off Feinsteins website so that they can see it is not from the NRA or some other "right wing group."
And speaking of her, I wrote her an email to reconsider her proposal and all I got was a response that since I was not from California (thank god) she would not offer a response.

I ALWAYS explain the proposed bill-----matter of fact, I carry a copy of it with me as well as a small copy of the United States Constitution. I use the photos as an example of how stupid this ban really is. Most people think that she is just going after the military type assault rifles (whatever that is) which is why I carry a copy of the bill---it shows clearly what "they" intend to do. You can explain it all you want to folks but when they see it in print, I think that it has a little more impact, so to speak. I also printed it off Feinsteins website so that they can see it is not from the NRA or some other "right wing group."
And speaking of her, I wrote her an email to reconsider her proposal and all I got was a response that since I was not from California (thank god) she would not offer a response.


Where did you find a copy of the proposed legislation.....all ive been able to find is the bill summary.......
I ALWAYS explain the proposed bill-----matter of fact, I carry a copy of it with me as well as a small copy of the United States Constitution. I use the photos as an example of how stupid this ban really is. Most people think that she is just going after the military type assault rifles (whatever that is) which is why I carry a copy of the bill---it shows clearly what "they" intend to do. You can explain it all you want to folks but when they see it in print, I think that it has a little more impact, so to speak. I also printed it off Feinsteins website so that they can see it is not from the NRA or some other "right wing group."
And speaking of her, I wrote her an email to reconsider her proposal and all I got was a response that since I was not from California (thank god) she would not offer a response.


Wher did you find a copy of the proposed legislation.....all ive been able to find is the bill summary....... Oops **** smart phone sorry for the double post
The 10-22 in the top photo has got to be the fugliest 10-22 I've ever laid my eyes on. It don't look sinister, it looks stupid.:D
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