Another Bunny


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
It took a few shots but 3 year old grandson got another one. He thinks huntin is fun. 3 year old's rabbit.jpg
Nice looking rabbit. I've eaten them before but it's been a long time and I really didn't know the best way to cook them.
I’ve or eaten rabbit quite a few years but when I cooked it up I would dredge em in flour, salt, and black pepper and pan fry them in butter and olive oil. Then I would throw in some carrots, onion, garlic, and potatoes. Once out of the skillet I would add milk and flour to the oil and butter in the pan and make a gravy.

Ok now I really need to take my son out after some rabbits
I’ve or eaten rabbit quite a few years but when I cooked it up I would dredge em in flour, salt, and black pepper and pan fry them in butter and olive oil. Then I would throw in some carrots, onion, garlic, and potatoes. Once out of the skillet I would add milk and flour to the oil and butter in the pan and make a gravy.

Ok now I really need to take my son out after some rabbits
That is living "High on the Rabbit" there!
I’ve or eaten rabbit quite a few years but when I cooked it up I would dredge em in flour, salt, and black pepper and pan fry them in butter and olive oil. Then I would throw in some carrots, onion, garlic, and potatoes. Once out of the skillet I would add milk and flour to the oil and butter in the pan and make a gravy.

Ok now I really need to take my son out after some rabbits
That sounds like some fine eating. Makes my mouth water just reading about it.
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