a nitwit view on longrange hunting *DELETED*

Re: a nitwit view on longrange hunting

Ha Ha Ha Ha..... This was a joke wasn't it?

I've seen these types of posts before its that real dry sense of humor.

I think you are lost.
Re: a nitwit view on longrange hunting

......cant fool you /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
Re: a nitwit view on longrange hunting

Magman, he's trying to rally the troops another site is trashing us. check the link at the bottom of the post.

Not that this is uncommon. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: a nitwit view on longrange hunting

Too many variables when you shoot long range

[/ QUOTE ]

The wind hath no variables like that of a spooky buck. I'll take my shots at my discretion, at the ranges I have confidence at, in the conditions I have practice in, with the gun I know the behavior of.

There are good and lousy hunters in every aspect of hunting and to clump any hunter with another until there is evidence they are of the same mindset is unfair.

What I would like to know is the definition of "fair chase"? We slow humans are no match physically for an animal with superior hearing and sight and smell that knows the area better and has a heart and lungs with twice the capacity of ours being carried on four legs instead of two. The advantage we have is our minds and our tools. Who is the authority on how much of either we can use and how much we must not use in order to keep it "fair". I know, lets ask the man with an answer what is fair and then we will ask the steak he bought at the store. I will bet they have different answers.

Hunting versus shooting, indeed! And next there will be arching versus shooting versus snaring versus spearing versus fly fishing versus reel fishing versus hunting.


(Walking out of Lens livingroom for a smoke. I gotta remember we are here because we are mostly on the same side of these issues.)

<font color="red"> I'm glad I clicked the link. My first thought was that these were JB of MDs thoughts. My resopnse is at the posters thoughts on the link. </font>
Re: a nitwit view on longrange hunting

This has the potential to become a time-waster that does absolutely nothing for this site. Please let this one die a natural death as of now, so the moderator-type dudes don't have to press the button.

If I try to use the NUKEing power empowered to me - a bunch of innocent people might lose their favorite posts, or worse. This stuff comes and goes, let's stick with the real reason this site exists.

By the way, I shot long yesterday in minus 15 degrees C. Darned if our favourite .308 ammo wasn't showing the effect of the cold - tad over two minutes at 700 yards from our summer come-up. That is over two feet /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

So... does that mean it is unethical to get your ammo cold, or unethical not to switch from a .308 Win. to a .300 Win. mag in cold weather, or that you need to have your head-read for being out in that weather trying to shoot tight groups /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif **** it gets cold fast in the late afternoon. What were we trying to accomplish - reticle tests on a brand new design intro'd at the SHOT show, I get to write the destruction manual.
Re: a nitwit view on longrange hunting

I see it ilke CoyBoy states, JB is trying to rally folks here to perhaps educate the folks over at the hunttalk.com site.

Unfortunately I believe it's a lost issue with some folks and it seems the local hunttalk.com specialists are set agains't us (longrangehunters).

I'm thinking it's better to find guys that are interested and foster their interests than try to convert the old hard-shelled relics.

JB in MD (are you the JB the posted over there?), maybe make a post over there and invite the interested folks over here to look around... the Nay-Sayers ARE NOT WELCOME.
Now his post is deleted! What a chicken!! In case youre wondering what he said......

All that shows me is lack of respect for the game.

They use does and cow elk as "practice". Thats a total lack of respect for wildlife.

There is no reason to shoot does and cows at extreme range. I think they could use a little practice all right...how about practicing some stalking skills and shooting antlerless game at reasonable ranges?

Their equipment and dedication to shooting is unquestionable...their lack of regard for wildlife is also unquestionable.

There is no question they wound a lot of game. Too many variables when you shoot long range...I dont care how much you practice or how careful you are.

Its also fair to note on their video, a bunch of the people who shoot stuff at those extreme ranges have spent very little time behind the rifle they're shooting. In at least 2-3 cases, they brag about how they'd just shot the rifle for the first time the day before.


I think JB is in our camp. His post might have been a little difficult to decipher but I think he's pointing at another site and saying """ These guys are nitwits and THEY are attacking John Burns and long range hunting! ""

He's (JB OF MD) not attacking us or longrangehunting.

(edited... I got the handle incorrect.)
Re: a nitwit view on longrange hunting

Yeah Dave, that's me.
I wouldn't think of posting a link to here....from there.
Wouldn't want to trash this fine site with the nay-Sayers.
I deleted the post....feel free to delete the thread.
Sorry if I've caused any inconvenience.
Re: a nitwit view on longrange hunting


I think your initial post was a little confusing and we took off on a crusade prematurely.

I do sort of agree with your reluctance to post a link to here as I believe we'd receive a little grief from some travelers.

From now on be real careful how you word these things... It don't take much to get our hair up on some issues and a little confusion causes a lot of stress sometimes.
here is one of my long range rigs.
270 wby. mag.........its a litle shy of 20 lbs.
toped off with a S&amp;B....sweet shooter.

im a rookie at it....nothing like some of the folks here.

I agree that everyone in this thread is here for the benefit of this site. My post in red was confirming that I was ranting about a few of the members on the other sites yackings.

Thats all. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
I don't know Forkie ,

That pic is a bit scary , 17 th century painting behind a Cabelas hard copy catalog that has a purty rifle on top of it, what could it mean ? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Jim B.
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