A Career Opportunity in the Firearms Industry with AllTerra Arms

15-20 an hour here in Idaho is not that horrible. They will just need to find someone that is more concerned with job quality and not pay. I told my wife I found my dream job and read her the description and when I told her the pay she just looked at me dumb like 😂. I'd totally do this job as a part time 1-2 days a week though.
I would only hope that the job announcement is a ruse in the sense that should they find someone with the desired level of expertise, who accepts the initial pay, that they plan to compensate greater if said new employee is a fit for the company.
If I do the math with my E7 pay I make in that range per hour...but it is salary and not uncommon to put in 80+ hours a week.😂 Today I was in @ 0630 and will be here till after midnight. Just gotta make it about 18 more months, that's getting harder and harder to do! After about 6 months of hunting and fishing I am gonna need to find employment, if nothing else because my wife wouldn't let me retire in my 40's. I don't get it, I'd cook and clean & have sex with her whenever she wants. I'll be her b!!!!, why not I've been the Army's for most my adult life.😂
If this was in my area I would give it a shot… pun intended. I do have my eye on Idaho however.

bro…at the 18 month mark it is smooth sailing!!

"Where's SFC B?"

"Retirement out processing, sir."

"oh, yeah. Carry on."

Also, If you get a high enough va, maybe your wife will let you do that!!
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To the guys saying they aren't paying enough, you all do realize that per the ad they are offering to pay people to shoot high end guns, load ammo and record the results right? Not building guns or other qualified machine work, simply loading, shooting and recording.

This site literally revolves around people spending lots of their own money to do that very thing in their spare time for free and ya'll are complaining they don't pay enough? What other job do you get to do that sort of thing and get paid for it?

If I was just out of high school or retired that would be an awesome job to undertake and I imagine you would have the opportunity to branch into gunsmithing and machining down the line.

How can you even compare getting to shoot guns and load ammo all day to working in a fast food place?
To the guys saying they aren't paying enough, you all do realize that per the ad they are offering to pay people to shoot high end guns, load ammo and record the results right? Not building guns or other qualified machine work, simply loading, shooting and recording.

This site literally revolves around people spending lots of their own money to do that very thing in their spare time for free and ya'll are complaining they don't pay enough? Nowhere does it say that it is a full time position designed to support a family, it could easily be a part time gig you work on a day or two a week when they have rifles ready.

How can you even compare that to working in a fast food place?

you won the internet this evening, sir.
I would love to have that job but I'd have to sell everything in N.C. and move the family across the country. I've done that before twice but that was with the hiring company's financial assistance, mind you. Makes it a bit easier.
I've mentioned it to a co-worker (who has no interest in shooting) and he said "Ah, you'd get tired of doing that all day." I thought about it and no, I don't think I would.
I take a day (hookie) of vacation every now and then from my current job to just reload, shoot, take notes and clean rifles/pistols. Hmm. If only.....
bro…at the 18 month mark it is smooth sailing!!

"Where's SFC D?"

"Retirement out processing, sir."

"oh, yeah. Carry on."

Also, If you get a high enough va, maybe your wife will let you do that!!

Scammer! Just kidding.

If you aren't documenting your brokeness now, you are late. 20+ years as an Infantryman-YOU ARE BROKEN, you just won't know it until you slow down.
I liked tying flies......................................

until I tried to get paid doing it.

Lots of things are fun until you are obligated to them 40hrs or more a week. Its the reason I refuse to become a fishing guide.
I must be sick then lol. I was in the business and after work I would go home and do the samething as I did at work lol.

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