946 yard cow elk pics

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I never said I couldn't afford to eat something other than venison, I simply stated that there are hunters out there who do it not for fun but for food only.

I once met a family outside the little town of Beckley,West Virginia who lived in a cabin built in the 1800's and had no running water or electricity. One day I went over to check on them and they all had a very sad look on their faces. When I asked what was wrong the mother replied that her husband had gotten pnemonia and would not be able to get out to hunt before winter set in. I thought that he must really like to hunt and was going to miss his season that year but was amazed to learn that he actually didn't care for hunting. He considered it another chore to do before winter like cutting wood or fixing holes in the roof. What made everyone sad was that the oldest daughter was now going to have to do the hunting in order for the family to live through the winter and she had never hunted before in her life. The family was worried that they might have to kill one of their cows used for plowing to survive.

Kind of puts things in perspective doesn't it. Needless to say, I am thankful I enjoy hunting and even more thankful that I don't have to do it to survive. But I'll be damned if I am going to let anyone tell me that it isn't a matter of life or death to some people. I loved that family and wish that we were all in the same situation as me or you.

Now we're getting a little off topic of the thread so
like Forrest Gump says, "that's all I have to say 'bout that."

Have a nice day.
My point is.....neither you, me nor anybody else on this board can claim that we hunt because that is the only way we have to survive.......and you can't use that to justify what you want to do.......you know it and I know it......so don't act all offended when somebody raises the BS flag at that nonsense.

If you debate many people or try to win over the fence sitters that really are the ones who will decide if we are allowed to continue to hunt......you have to use facts..... not BS like you posted above.....don't try to justify something with BS.....it won't fly and you just end up making the rest of us look stupid through association......

By the way, I really enjoyed the story of the hunt.....what you did was legal and you don't have to defend your actions to me or anybody else....I do appreciate ATH's question......it is a good question that needs to be asked and answered.....I don't believe he was asking you to defend your actions, I think he really wants to know exactly what he asked without any other motives......long range hunting is NOT for everyone.....it is only for those willing to do what it takes to get it right BEFORE the trigger is ever pulled.....I'm certainly not to your level and probably never will be......so I have to honestly determine and accept my limitations.....but I'm preaching to the choir here.......
Gotta side with ATH on this one. Could you have gotton closer with more stalking?? Or where you just trying to intrduce your friend in shooting long range to "Just say he did it"

Myself, I would of tried to get closer if I was not 100% sure my Friend could make the shot. Lets not forget that taking game should be ethical too! I think the cow suffered a bit maybe...Do you think the same?

I also noticed you said after the seconed shot (the really first shot that hit her) That she "STOOD UP" So she was bedded when ya shot her? I'm new to this but my Daddy always told me to NEVER shoot a bedded animal

I would have trouble sleeping after that one.
This is not intended as a flame, just a different perspective.

I am newbie to longrange hunting, but have hunted for over 35 years. This post leaves me with very conflicted feelings and I am not sure I view this as a success. To me, I see an animal having its hip shattered twice, trying to stand, and tumbling down a hill. That is not a clean kill, it is a wounding which thankfully ultimately was fixed sooner rather than later. If this kill was taken by the poor hungry family described, I would say it is an understandable necessity and not think twice about it. I would be very supportive of their efforts. On the other hand, the purpose of this hunt was for sport, not subsistence, conservation or management purposes, or even a trophy kill. Thus to my sense, the highest sporting standards should apply, which to me at least means a swift, clean, and sure kill is required above all else.

As a newbie, to my mind there is a huge difference between taking reliable 1,000 yard shots at paper targets which I am still working on, and taking shots at a living animal, whether an elk, deer, or prairie dog. Also, I am not sure a newbie with a modest amount of experience should take shots of this distance with stock equipment. If anything, lesser experience would seem to require higher quality equipment to reduce the rate of error.

To my mind, there is wide gap in predictability of kills between GG with lots of experience and the highest quality equipment money can buy vs. a newbie with lesser equipment. Personally, I'm still in this latter category, and so holding my distance short for the time being until I master my skills and gear for farther out. Normally, I just try to read and learn from you guys, but this one really left me unsettled.
I think I'm going to throw up!!!
ATH motives and objectives were in my humble opinion fair and just, on the other hand, I'm not too sure about gonhuntin and lablover. It probably could have been taken with bow and arrow or muzzle loader or whatever, but isn't this forum about long range hunting? and are we not suppose to support the sport? Ethics? what's that? everyone has got a different defenition! There is nothing 100% sure, for no one, either for the bow and arrow hunter or neither for the rifle short range hunter. We all just strive to do the best we can, be it from 25 yards or 1000 yards. To me ethics is an 80 plus percentage assurance that I will make the shot; most of us agree that GG does put the money and time into the equipment and he is interested and working on getting more of us into the sport. It's possible that the shooter got a little nervous, so what, most of us would have too, but that experience is what counts. Let's face it, any long range hunter sooner or later has to take that first shot that might end in two or three more shots. Personally I want to see a one shot kill, and most of us do, but if that's all I'm willing to accept then I should remove my self from long range hunting!!!
Just my friendly respectfull opinion!
I'm new to this but my Daddy always told me to NEVER shoot a bedded animal

[/ QUOTE ]

You have got to be kidding me. . . right? If not I see that your such a "humane killer" that you make the bastard look you in the eye when you kill em. If it were up to me and I was an animal about to be shot, I would much rather be taken by suprise at any moment, than have the hunter whistle so that I could look down the bore of a rifle (and then have to go through all the mental distresses of knowing your about to be killed.)

I just don't understand how killing one laying down is any different than killing one standing up. Killing is killing right (considering that it is done with the same method).
Well I had to hop in on this one.

I will admit that hearing about an animal being wounded and having a delayed death is very unfortunate. It is up to all of us as hunters first and most expecially long range hunters to try and make the most clean kills as possible.

With that being said SH!T happens. Just this saturday I missed a shot at a doe at 960yds and I know I should have got her. My original range of 930yds would have been right on the money but I didnt take into account the range she covered while I was settling in.

I have been on a lot of hunts where stuff has gone wrong once the first arrow or bullet is loosed. And when stuff starts to go wrong a lot of times it doesnt seem to get any better for a while. I am glad Clint was able to compose himself enough to make a good clean final shot and finish the animal. Lord knows once you wound one it is easy to get to wrapped up in the moment and not focus on the shot.

If GG and Clint couldnt stalk any closer to the animal then that is that and it is time to make a shot if you feel confident about it. IF they just wanted to try and pop one from a long ways off then fine, isnt that what we are all here for anyway???

I do think that maybe GG responded kinda negaitvely to a response from GoneHuntin that was kinda negative itself. ATH asked a legitamte question that as long range hunters I think we must always be prepared answer becasue of the particular difficulties of what we do. GG responded very kindly and genuinly to this question, I am sure do partially becasue it was asked kindly.

I dont think there is any comparison between us and coyotes or that any of us are hunting to keep our families alive through the winter. That statment doesnt upset me or bother me at all I just think we need to have a better response prepared if we are to defend our sport.

If you dont like someone pushing his or her limits in long range shooting you may have the wrong forum. I am sure CLint has learned a lot from that experince and I doubt he liked seeing the animal suffer any longer than it had to. IF we dont push our limits and keep trying furthur ranges, as long as they are responsible, then our particular niche in the shooting sport would be a lot less exciting

Just my opinon and it probably aint worth $h!t
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
take it easy
7mm magman
I just said that was what I was taught. And to this day I will not shoot an animal laying down. You dont have to agree with it! As far as lookin them in the eye...Very funny. But then again, after your comment..You would be the type to shoot in the back right! Just diggin back a bit!

I was doggin GG because he should of known his friends limits. Using a stock gun...Come on! He spends big bucks to make sure he's got a rig that can do the job at 1000 but then lets his buddy use a stock gun? Why spend so much on a custom rig then??

Eaglet...Don't throw up Brother..Just opinions here.

Lerch, as far as "if they just wanted to pop one off to see if they could. Christ..Use paper to do that.

All I'm saying is I would not of taken the shot unless I had all the confidence in the world I could. Just because the animal is there dont mean ya gotta shoot it!
If you dont like someone pushing his or her limits in long range shooting you may have the wrong forum.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't know if this is in reply to my note, but yes, with the time, money, gear and practice you, GG, and the others here put in, I am comfortable with that. As for me and other newbies taking hunting shots at that distance, no, not until we put in some serious practice under controlled conditions to make sure we can take reliable, predictable shots.
Nuff said

Good point JeffBird

Very logical thinking indeed

"I am sure CLint has learned a lot from that experince and I doubt he liked seeing the animal suffer any longer than it had to. IF we dont push our limits and keep trying furthur ranges, as long as they are responsible, then our particular niche in the shooting sport would be a lot less exciting"


Are you saying this shot was a responsible shot?????
I agree but this shot should have never been taken. Why didn't GG bring out one of his guns That he new could get the job done correctly especially with someone that has never shot long range before???

Even GG admits to making a mistake on the number calls. Why not take a spotter shot away from the animal and make sure then back to the animal and BANG FLOP DEAD! No "hold in front of the shoulder" not once but twice.

Aren't we all telling new guys or even some of us to be proficient at the ranges we want to kill game?
Just diggin back a bit!

[/ QUOTE ]
Lablover, No hard feeling, Like I have always believed. . . to each his own! But I just don't like hearing that it's wrong to shoot one bedded down.

Have a good day.

I never, in ANY way criticized the decision to take the shot or the execution of the shot..I never questioned the ethics of the decision......I wasn't there, I can't make that call...I did take exception to the BS GG posted about us being in the same boat as other predators......that is simply and undeniably false......and to use such a bogus statement like that to excuse a less than ideal shot is simply not acceptable.......if you choose to defend your decision......do it with facts, not BS......if you can't defend it with facts......it's better to keep quiet than to say something that, 1) isn't true, and 2) is stupid......that just makes all hunters look bad........

How much credibility do you give to someone who tries to excuse a poor shot by saying that it's OK because we are just predators and all predators make mistakes???? When was the last time you saw a coyote carrying a scoped rifle???

And, how much credibility do you give someone that tries to justify a poor shot by insinuating that he has to hunt to survive ("we are in the same boat")......while, at the same time he has another thread detailing the build of an extremely expensive rifle project??? Is anybody here really ignorant enough to believe that???

My criticism has nothing to do with ethics, shot placement or equipment......it has to do with being truthful and not trying to BS people.......period......

I'm a predator caller.......I kill coyotes......I don't eat them.......I don't skin them......I leave them lay.....lots of people don't like that.......I don't apologize for it.......I don't feel bad about it....and I don't make up some lame, untrue, BS excuse to defend it.....it's legal, I enjoy it and I choose to do it......that's all the reason I need.....

I would have had a lot more respect for an answer that said....."no matter how hard we try to prevent it.....stuff happens.....deal with it"!!!
Gonhunting ,

Good evening . Having followed and posted on this thread from the beginning I would like to interject some thoughts on this that have been in my mind since the beginning of this post . I had hoped that these things would be self evident to all , however I realize now that without certain admissions at the onset that they could not be for those that are just beginning and have not thought through the whole process.

Please , I mean no offense here, just want to share some thoughts that may not have occurred to some at this point .

First and foremost is this : GG did not put this hunt story forward as a "way to do it "

He simply shared the details of the hunt as they happened ,without coloring the details to look more favorable as regards his and his buddys abilities etc. I wonder if I could have done the same.........no spin , just the truth ! An important fact of this story is that they killed the elk and brought it home >

Second , and this is the heart of the matter as far as I'm concerned :

Anyone that sets out to perfect the art/ science of long range hunting needs to take a long look in the mirror, why ? because if you do not understand that there are going to be failures along the way your vision is limited and you may not be able to handle your failures sufficiently to be able to continue . Simply put ,If anyone thinks that they are going to progress in this sport( and sport it is ) without any failures they have deceived themselves . A point aside here, Sport , consider what it means , we are using a animal as a means of self gratification and at the very least something to be killed and NOT for the food , just the pleasure of attaining a goal we have set . Elk aren't majestic , lions aren't awesome and so on , their Creator is and he gave them to us . What , may I ask, is the limit that someone taking a game animal should set for an animal to die once it is shot ? Sometimes I wonder at the mindset that proclaims how ethically he killed a game animal ......it's dead ! no one here wants to torture a deer, elk , elephant and so on , we just want to kill it. In the process of doing so there will be failures , we will not celebrate them or encourage one to continue in that way . My post congratulating GG and Clint was in congratulations of a successful hunt , they brought the elk home ! As far a s the "bedded " part .......well, that sure beats up and walking for a longrange shot ,just need to know your or should I say their anatomy.

Finally , I would probably bet money that both Clint and GG are working to understand all that happened in those few , rapidly passing seconds in order to perform more efficiently the next time .
May your groups grow smaller , your eyes clearer and your freezer be full of venison /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif,

Jim Brown
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