8mm barrel


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2014
Central Missouri
Hi all, not really a long range question, but more of a hunting rifle question. I would like to rebarrel my VZ24 Mauser with a new quality 8x57 barrel. I am having some trouble finding a source for said barrel. Don't need anything really special, but would like something that's worth the cost of spin on and chambering at least. If I could find a Lilja or Hart or something I would take it, but I plan on putting a scout rail on it for a nice red dot sight and making a stalking rifle out of it. Any ideas? I currently have a brand new Yugo surplus barrel, but I'm not sure of it's inherent quality.
Hi all, not really a long range question, but more of a hunting rifle question. I would like to rebarrel my VZ24 Mauser with a new quality 8x57 barrel. I am having some trouble finding a source for said barrel. Don't need anything really special, but would like something that's worth the cost of spin on and chambering at least. If I could find a Lilja or Hart or something I would take it, but I plan on putting a scout rail on it for a nice red dot sight and making a stalking rifle out of it. Any ideas? I currently have a brand new Yugo surplus barrel, but I'm not sure of it's inherent quality.

There is no doubt about the source of a top 8 mmS (323') barrel. That one is coming from Lothar Walther (LW). BTW, you find a superb 8mm- thread on this forum. Take a look and you might be inspired. gun)

P.S. Don't use bullets under 180gr weight due to 1 : 9,45 spin
Someday I'll need to find a replacement barrel for my old M38. Old Turk mausers are fun =P Now I just need to buy a new spring for the magazine and fine all of its parts lulz
yeah, ive been watching ebay for lots of small stuff like that for when I lose parts to wear. I'm about to have the barrel put on and everything parked so i can start hunting with that gun. that shwy i'm curious as to whether or not the $70 barrel is good enough or if I need the $350 barrel from bartlein or lilja
I have an old Yugo 8mm that shoots under an inch at 100. It sounds to me this is to a short range rifle because of the red dot site so I would put on the Yugo barrel and work up some loads.
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