7mm Rem Mag and 160 Accubond for long range???


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2016
Portland Oregon
View attachment 92108 I have been trying to get my new custom build (Bartlein 8.75" twist) rifle to shoot with the ELD-X 175, finally gave up. Went to the local Outdoor store and bought a box of 160 Accubond just to see how they shoot. I love the performance so far with 62 grains of H4350 getting 2925 and consistent 1/2 moa. So now I need to make a decision. Buy more 160 AB and dial things in or try something a little heavier like a Berger 168 Classic hunter. So I guess my question is, is the 160 AB a poor choice for long range? I have used the 150AB in my 270wsm for many years with good success but only out to 400 yards. BTW, this gun was built for hunting Elk and Deer out to 800 yards, rocks out to 1200 yards.

Thanks, Jeff from Oregon
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I´d give the 162 ELD-X or the 180 ELD-M a try. They might work and the cost of a box of hornady is almost half than the noslers.
With the 8.75" twist, try some Berger 175 Elite Hunters, 180 Hybrids, and depending on your elevation, the Berger 195 Elite Hunters.

For powders, I recommend IMR 7828 SSC or IMR 7977.

For seating depth, I have found the most consistency with them seated at 0.015" off the lands.
162 gr ELDX and IMR 4350 work great out of my 7mm Rem Mag (seated with light contact with the rifling)
The 160 Accubond has a B.C. 531
The 162 ELDX has a B.C. 630. The Hornady are 1/2 the price of the Nozzlers
In my experience, the 175 ELDX is very fussy to seating depth, but are very accurate when you find that sweet spot
Hornady recommends 8.5 twist for 175 ELDX. I would think 8.75 would work.
I would play with seating depth, then start slowly(safely) increasing powder charge
with that twist, they might need more speed. JMHO
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My son was running the 160 ab for a few seasons on his 280AI. Very good bullet for putting animals down quickly. Out to 800 yards his drop numbers were spot on. At 900 he would have to add a click and at 1000 two clicks to the drop data. I assume the bc was changing on the bullet. Maybe its the melting tip theory? I just worked a load up for the gun with 162eldm's. Verified the drops this past weekend. It was spot on out to 1100 yards with those. Time will tell if the eldms are OK on game. From years of using ab's I know you cant count on them to put down game.
With the 8.75" twist, try some Berger 175 Elite Hunters, 180 Hybrids, and depending on your elevation, the Berger 195 Elite Hunters.

For powders, I recommend IMR 7828 SSC or IMR 7977.

For seating depth, I have found the most consistency with them seated at 0.015" off the lands.
Based on yours and others replies you guys are saying find a bullet with a better BC than Accubond, is this true?
So what is the Cartridge your rifle is chambered in? I see it is a .284" diameter from the posts. But the specific cartridge would help others with recommendations.
So what is the Cartridge your rifle is chambered in? I see it is a .284" diameter from the posts. But the specific cartridge would help others with recommendations.

It's in the thread title...
7 RemMag
At the ranges you mention that bullet/load should be fine providing adequate accuracy at long range. However, I'm with the others in thinking you are potentially robbing yourself a little if not trying some of the other bullets.
Nice looking build!
I think that the 160 AB is a good bullet. I have killed several animals out of a 7 RM with it. But, IMO, the Bergers are a better bullet. I have switched over years ago and my groups shrunk a noticeable amount with the Bergers. The higher B.C. is a bonus too. I have had best luck with Retumbo for my rifles. I hear a lot of good things about H1000 and some of the Reloader powders as well. Just have to find what works for you and your rifle. That is a great looking gun by the way.
I really want to thank you guys for your thoughts, I would be lost with out the help I get from this forum.
Shot some new loads today and had some great results. The only bullets I could find at Cabela's were the 168 GR Nosler AB Long Range. First run was 61 gr H4350, recorded 2870 with ES of 26 but group size was 1 moa. Second run was 62 gr RL22, recorded average of 2817, ES of 34 (not great), SD of 14, group size was 1/2 moa or less. If I would have shot all five at the same point I would have had one hole (see pic below)!!! So I was hope that some of you guys with much more experience could give suggestions of my next more (more powder or change seating depth). BTW, running .015" off lands. I would like to get closer to 2950 but hopefully my group size will not open up. The ES is to high and I am not sure what will fix that.

Thanks, Jeff from Oregon
7mm Rem Mag.jpg
168gr ABLR RL22.jpg
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