6.5x300WSM or 6.5x 300Win MAg


Apr 16, 2003
Wilkes Barre Pa
I am planning a new Long range Varmint rifle, are reloading dies available for the 6.5x 300 WSM or the 6.5x 300 Win Mag, anyone have one of these calibers, If so what kind of velocities are they getting with the 140 bullets

Mach V
have you done any load testing in your rifle I mean have you shot for any groups yet.
Shot a couple of groups @ 300 yards that are running between 1.25 and 1.5".Keep in mind these are shot off the ground with bipods and by me so they are not impressive but I'm working on it.
The Norma brass will not take 65grains of R25,in fact the bolt lifts hard with only 63 grains?I did however get 97 out of 100 to go into the shellholder vrs 20 with the Winchester.
Mach v

Be advised Redding just recently revised their magnum shellholders to fit the 300 WSM case better. Cannot remember the number right off top of head, but they did not change the number either, so no way to tell them apart. Had problem with same thing until I bought a set of the new magnum competition shell holders and every once in a while run across one Win that is tight.

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