Why would you choose a 6.5x47 over a Creedmoor for 123-130gr bullets? I'm getting ready to build a couple of Creedmoors but I could change my mind if there is a good reason.
I have no idea why Lapua would put a new case in their lineup that competes with one of their own existing(competing with themselves).
But more capacity is not better than right capacity.
There is load choice competitors(who are competitive) venture towards that most hunters don't. That is, a mid velocity node at the highest viable pressure(a pressure node). This goes into diminished returns, -which are also diminished in variance. Competitors care more about precision than most hunters, and diminished variance is more important than final muzzle velocity for paper targets.
The 6.5x47L was designed for this, for 123-130gr bullets, for mid range competition. It's results were predictable up front & now out there for anyone to see. While used for 1kyd competition also, it wasn't designed for that. It wasn't designed for 140gr+ bullets.
The Creedmoor is not best designed for any of this.
Much of this comes down to my opinion that accuracy is the most powerful of ballistic attributes.
Another belief of mine: it all starts with a bullet.
So if 130gr bullets will suit your need, it makes perfect sense to go for all the accuracy you can get in 130gr bullets.
Best in 140gr bullets would lead to a different capacity/cartridge. It might make sense to go for best accuracy you can get in 140gr bullets.