3rd annual pa woodchuck fest


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
Myself and Kevin are planning our annual hunt for this May (exact dates pending). Since multiple hunts last year did not work quite as planned we are doing this on a hunt by hunt basis. We are shooting for probably the 2nd or 3rd week of May. We will update further on any future hunts throughout the year. Below is a list of attendees for the May hunt...dust off the rifles boys it's almost time to get some chucks.


This is right during Spring Turkey for us in PA so hunt will start at noon...Be sure to have an orange hat!

And don't forget it's ok to miss them in the early hunt...we are just going out to know the dust off:D

Anyone else that is interested let us know in case we have future hunts this year!
Myself and Kevin are planning our annual hunt for this May (exact dates pending). Since multiple hunts last year did not work quite as planned we are doing this on a hunt by hunt basis. We are shooting for probably the 2nd or 3rd week of May. We will update further on any future hunts throughout the year. Below is a list of attendees for the May hunt...dust off the rifles boys it's almost time to get some chucks.


This is right during Spring Turkey for us in PA so hunt will start at noon...Be sure to have an orange hat!

And don't forget it's ok to miss them in the early hunt...we are just going out to know the dust off:D

Anyone else that is interested let us know in case we have future hunts this year!

Awesome! thanks for inviting me back. I'm looking forward to it. Maybe Kevin will have my new stick ready by then.....

Let me know when the dates are final so I can submit my vacation request. Week of May 17th or later works best for me. My company's annual meeting is the week before.
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Good deal fellas. Got a new job so the sooner you firm up a date the better, but I won't let things like new jobs slow me down for this one!:D

New sticks eh!? I hope to be in that club too!

BTW, I'll be sponsoring those kick ***, custom printed tee shirts again this year to commemorate the event.:D
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Looks like you may have a full load. I'd like to throw a few. My boomstick won't disappoint, I promise...Although, the shooter might.

I can make time whenever you can fit me in.
Anyone have any issue's with May 22nd ?

This will give me time to get my gun back together and Kevin time to get one since he sold all his!!

Probably plan it the same as before meet at the truckstop and take two vehicles to the location of the hunt.

any thought on this date???
Be nice if you guys would share the hunting story and pics are always welcome. Have a safe and good hunting trip. Enjoy.
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