Well-Known Member
I picked up a 338-300 ultra a while ago and haven't gotten around to shooting it until recently. The rifle came with 15 pieces of 300 ultra mag brass and 100 pieces of new 338 edge Bertram brass. I loaded up the ultra mag brass and had no issues, but when I went to load the bertram brass the round had a stiff bolt close. So I looked at the brass and noticed the bertram brass was a little longer in the neck than the ultra mag brass so I trimed it to the same length. Well I guess I should have looked at the brass a little better, because it is still hard to chamber and close the bolt. Looking at the shoulder area the bertram brass seems to have a rounded shoulder compared to the ultra mag brass. I think this may be my issue. I tried setting up my sizing die to push the shoulder back to see if that would help, but my shell holder bottoms out on my die before the shoulder gets pushed back enough. So my question is what should I do next, just go with ultra mag brass, or what can I do to change the angle of the shoulder on the bertram brass.