Envious of the West

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011

I am building a 300 RUM and plan to shoot the Berger 230’s. I would like to seat them out as far as possible. Does anyone have a extra reamer laying around that they would be willing to rent/sell?

For what it is worth...I would suggest you buy one.

I have a 300 RUM reamer that Pacific Tool and Gauge made for me. They use a different throat angle than their usual 1 1/2 degree. I asked Dave about it and he said through testing they determined that throat angle was best. By coincidence I happened to talk to Proof Research complementing them on a rifle a friend owns that I helped make loads which was easy and very accurate. They said they used the same reamer.

Make a dummy with bullet seated to depth you desire with a particular freebore in mind and send it to them. You can have the bullet release dimension included for no turn, to skim turn or further turn the brass necks your choice. If not certain they will discuss details with you. My friend Dan and I have 18 PT & G reamers between us. All of them were made to our specs except where they suggested a particular lead or throat angle. IMO a reamer made to your specs makes a difference.
Thanks for the reply’s, much appreciated. I am looking into purchasing a new reamer.

Between the three brands mentioned above, pt&g, Manson and jgs is there one I should be looking at more than the others?

@gunaddict you recommended jgs and Manson, what sets them apart from pt&g?

Thanks for the reply’s, much appreciated. I am looking into purchasing a new reamer.

Between the three brands mentioned above, pt&g, Manson and jgs is there one I should be looking at more than the others?

@gunaddict you recommended jgs and Manson, what sets them apart from pt&g?

I am not gunaddict, but I am a user of chambering reamers. I have 75-80 in the tool drawers. 6 or 7 of those finish chambering reamers were made by PT&G. Only 1 cut as it should as received. Of the customer supplied reamers I have used that were made by PT&G , all of those have given problems.. I am to the point I will turn a chambering job away if the customer brings me a PT&G reamer. I just don't need the head ache! The rest that I own have been re-worked (sharpened) at Dave Mansons' shop, and now cut as they should. I never have any problem what so ever with JGS or Dave Mansons' tools.
I have a 300 RUM reamer that Pacific Tool and Gauge made for me. They use a different throat angle than their usual 1 1/2 degree. I asked Dave about it and he said through testing they determined that throat angle was best.

There is a shift to a different throat angle under foot these days. I've had several new reamers made with this change and I'm in process of chambering barrels to start the testing.

I've used PT&G reamers since they started out (under another name...) with great success for the most part. There was a short period of time when I got a reamer or two (or three...) which were not to my liking so they got sent back for proper reamers to be made.:( Losing time and money makes me a little upset.:rolleyes: I've ordered a couple of dozen from Manson and a handful from JGS. All of these have been good except for the last two I just got which have to go back. :(

So what's the real story?

Every reamer maker makes good reamers. But every now and then one which is not good slips by the QC guys/girls so we're left with sending that one back. Universal condemnation of a manufacturer with the qualifications our reamer makers have is simply overstating a grievance and trying to sway public opinion. But we're all guilty of trying to sway opinions!:eek:;)

Order with confidence or make a couple of phone calls to get better information about dimensions and the bullets you want to use. Ask your gunsmith before ordering anything because he might know more about your needs and save some time and effort. Be patient as every one of the makers is super busy but they will get to your order in order.

Enjoy your project!:D
All good info. I understand that all products, no matter how high the qc is, have issues. Something we have to deal with as consumers. I was just looking to learn which brands, if any, had more/less problems than the others.

Thanks for the reply’s!

Seriously, discuss the reamer makers and the specific reamer with your gunsmith. It will be a good move on your part and allow the gunsmith to explain his own reasoning for his choice. His experience should be used to help guide you through the selection process.

Some of the gunsmiths and shooters who study all of the details of reloading and shooting are working with a change from 1-1/2 degree throats to the 1.3 degree and 3/4 degree throats. The decision is still out since we're having to wait for reamers to be made and barrels to be chambered and tested. Understand the expense each of us accepts when we change just one thing on one cartridge. New reamer, HS gauge and barrel.:eek: I have 5 new reamers on order now while I'm getting a couple of twist rates resolved for barrels. But we have to know what works best under what conditions.:D
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