30-06 Superformance Load Data


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Does anyone have load data on Hodgdon Superformance for 30-06?

Looking for data all the way up to 212gr EDX rounds. My Hornady 9th edition only lists to 168gr.

Also, any first hand experience/insights with the powder and 30-06 would be appreciated. Is it Temp. Sensitive with 30-06?

I just finished testing loads under a 168Amax and hit a .5 MOA node that runs from 61.1-61.5grs with velocities @ 2975 - 3000. Each load in this range was performing with SD ~ 6-7 and ES ~ 18-20. (that is real good for my loads across my chrono) This is in a Tikka T3 Lite, 22.5" barrel.

Anyway, I am really liking this Powder

I don't normally do 2 different grain bullets at one time.

Super Performance works from 150gr too 225gr.

The and Hodgen site and the Hornady book are 2 different max ratings,,, I stick to the book ratings since they are a fraction lower towards the safe side.

The ELD-X 212 from low to high for Supererfornance is 46.9 too Max at 56.3gr
I'd be caucus at the max level and really watch the primers for signs of over pressure for your 30/06.

The 168 A-Max with Super Performance low at 54.3 too Max at 61.9...

I returned too the 30/06 world this spring.
I only shot ELD-X 178gr bullets backed up by H 4350.
Low at 46.5 with Max at 55.3gr.
My rifle likes 54.5 or 1gr shy of max.

All the above is from the Hornady 10th book and "NOT" the Hodgen site.

Again,,, watch for pressure signs as you all ready know.

Western Canada Don
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Thanks Don,

Did they also show the 208 ELD in the book? I just realized I still have some 208AMAX bullets on hand. Also can you let me know the Velocity they got with the top load so I have a ball park idea of what normal will look like on my Chronograph?

I would just run out and get the book but I am an hour away from somewhere ;-)
Here's the IMR site as it will give you the free loading data for a few makes of bullets.


Click on rifle, select cartrage, choose gr of bullet, select make of powder you'd like, then the brand.

I'll look later tonight when I get home too see what the 208 A Max low too high is from my Hornady 10 book.

ELD-X 208gr and A-Max 208gr specs from Hornady book #10 for 30/06.

Soft at 46.1 with Max at 56.7gr of Hogdon Super Performance.

That powder is the fast ft-per second rating for the 208gr bullets according to the book,,, becareful and keep an eye on flat primers. Ha.

I shoot F Class and critters up close, so I'll tape it kool with the H 4350 at less ft-per seconds since I'm after the V ring and lungs,,, back up option for me up close is those front shoulder blades.

My 2 long time friends have taken many thick skin critters over the years with the semi pointed round nose bullets from those old school Odd-6's.

I guess I've had my share too, but not near what each of them have gathered over the years.

Mule and White tail Deer, Northern Ontario Canada Moose and Rocky Mountain Range Elk,,, let's not forget those endless black bears.

Yuppers, these Odd-6's work just fine up in these parts.

Western Canada Don
I shoot F Class and critters up close, so I'll tape it kool with the H 4350 at less ft-per seconds since I'm after the V ring and lungs,,, back up option for me up close is those front shoulder blades.
Western Canada Don

Thank you very much good Sir!
I am hoping the Superformance will out-shoot my Reload-17 loads with the 208 AMax. Reloader 17 is doing about 2620 fps with 1 inch groups.

I found an accuracy with 168 Amax and another powder, but it is just sooo slow. I am not competing so I can't justify dropping 200fps to get an extra .5 moa. It sure is fun printing the groups at the range though.

Good Morning, MajorSpittle,

You have one extremely accurate rifle. I love accurate rifles. They give us a whole lot of confidence.

I can understand your not wanting to compromise velocity. I've been lucky with my primary hunting rifles: they're more accurate as they approach max powder charges (H-4831, IMR-4350, RL-22, & RL-19). But FOR ME, I'd give up 200 FPS for a group like your rifle will print. The way I figure it, within my rifle's PBR, assuming it shoots like your championship grade rifle, I could put a bullet into a big game animal's oxygenated blood making and pumping apparatus. Then I'd have a whole lot of serious work to do.
Perhaps SuperFormance for 30-06 is the real deal!

So I thought I would post my first results with the Superformance and 208 A-Max out of my Tikka T3 Lite. I loaded up 55 - 57 grain loads with .5gr increments to test it and loaded them out to 3.355 COL in Fed Neck Sized brass with WLR primers.

These are shot off bipod over a Cadwell Chrono about 10 ft from muzzle. 5rnd groups.

55 ran at 2647fps w/19stdDev grouping ~ .9
55.5 2668fps 8stdDev grouping ~ .7 without 1 flier 2" low and left?
56 2691fps 8stdDev grouping ~ .8 without 1 flier 1.5" low and left?
56.5 2717fps 14.5stdDev grouping ~ .8 without 1 flier 1.25" low?
57 2738fps 13stdDev grouping ~ .75 without 1 flier 4" low and left; and one 1.25" high and to the right.

I was shooting pretty ****** and the tilt lock on my bi-pod was unlocking which may have been the fliers, that and I kept changing my position and hold on the rifle because I had a different scope mounted that was too far forward. Thus why I eliminated the gross fliers as I hope it wasn't my 1/11 twist barrel not stabilizing rounds or load related.

I see once again I am over book velocity with Superformance but a more reasonable 50fps. There was no pressure signs that I could find on primers or heads.

I also loaded up some different flavors of my 58gr IMR 4831 168 A-Max load to see how it would shoot. First time trying load in different neck sized brass with different primer and increased COL on load. They all shot the same (45 fps faster with WLR primers vs the CCI) and more accurate then me. I also threw in some 178 A-Max over the 58gr IMR 4831 with the same COL and you couldn't tell the difference in groups other then they were .2" lower and 25fps slower @ 2754fps.

Step #2 for 208 A-Max

I finished loading up sets of 56, 56.3, 56.6 of Superformance with increased COL of 3.374" (I filed down the inside of the plastic Mag to give me .040" more length). This should put the bullet .036" off the lands.

I also on a whim decided to load up a set of 56gr IMR4831 with 3.38" COL. If my lot of IMR4831 with WLR primers scales linearly from the 168gr A-Max I expect a MV ~ 2550 and really hope for more bug hole groups.

I am really impressed with the Superformance, a 208 A-Max @ 2700fps out of a lightweight '06 with a 22.5" barrel and not a hint of pressure is not normal IMO but that is only 50fps above book and under the book load. I am really curious if this is typical for the powder? With the Velocity, availability of the powder, and the price they sell it at I can only assume that it is manufactured from the tears of liberals. Strangely I haven't seen many people speaking it's praises on the Interwebz.

Please chime in with any experiences you have had with Superformance or any tips that can make working these up easier/better.
I don't normally do 2 different grain bullets at one time.

Super Performance works from 150gr too 225gr.

The and Hodgen site and the Hornady book are 2 different max ratings,,, I stick to the book ratings since they are a fraction lower towards the safe side.

The ELD-X 212 from low to high for Supererfornance is 46.9 too Max at 56.3gr
I'd be caucus at the max level and really watch the primers for signs of over pressure for your 30/06.

The 168 A-Max with Super Performance low at 54.3 too Max at 61.9...

I returned too the 30/06 world this spring.
I only shot ELD-X 178gr bullets backed up by H 4350.
Low at 46.5 with Max at 55.3gr.
My rifle likes 54.5 or 1gr shy of max.

All the above is from the Hornady 10th book and "NOT" the Hodgen site.

Again,,, watch for pressure signs as you all ready know.

Western Canada Don
In my 30-06 here is the primers from 212 eldx and 58 gr of powder at 3.425 coal.
No pressure signs at all but sound went from a dull bang to a crisp snappy crack. So I think it's getting close to my guns max


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I'm.006 off the lands with ELDX in 178. And the longer 212 is about .014. But a 168 gr sst jams in lands so I need to bump back a couple thou. For ssts
I'm loading for a T/C compass with brake. Needed a light weight rig for tree stand hunting. Ended up with Barnes 168 TSX 52.5 gr Varget 20 thou off the lands. CCI 250 Mag primer. 2950 fps no pressure signs. Tack driver. Start a few grains lower and work up.
I'm loading for a T/C compass with brake. Needed a light weight rig for tree stand hunting. Ended up with Barnes 168 TSX 52.5 gr Varget 20 thou off the lands. CCI 250 Mag primer. 2950 fps no pressure signs. Tack driver. Start a few grains lower and work up.
Mr. Turk , is your bullet the TTSX for this load ? if so this is the bullet I am trying to load now as a second hunting load . What is your barrel length ? Thank you Sir , Floyd
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