3 rifles for a Barrett with a mk4?


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2017
East River South Dakota
My local gun shop got a used Barrett MRAD in 338 Lapua Magnum that's topped with Leupold mk4 in 4.5-14x50mm and an additional 20" 308 Winchester switch barrel. The owner knows me well enough and said he'd be willing to trade me the Barrett straight up for my Savage 110 FCP HS Precision in 338 Lapua Magnum with an SWFA 10x42HD scope, my Savage 10 FCP-K in 308 Winchester with a Minox ZA-5HD 3-15x50mm scope, and one of my Aero Ar-10's in 6.5 Creedmoor with a Leupold 3-9x40mm VX-R Patrol scope on top. I feel like it's a fair deal but I'm curious about what other think. The gun shop owner said he'd rather have 3 rifles he can sell easier than 1 boutique expensive rifle that he'll sit on for months.
If you feel that the deal is a good one why bother checking for other opinions. You know the value of your equipment, so compare with the sellers rifle based on condition and number of shots fired for each barrel. Then decide and make up your own mind.

I ask because I question if the Barrett name has given me rose colored glasses for this deal. I won't lie, I've always wanted an MRAD and I'm questioning if I'm thinking objectively about the whole thing.
Well, I think Savage's are one step above a boat anchor and Creedmoors are about pointless...so yup I'd trade those 3 in a heartbeat! Lol

Uff, that hurts. I love Savage rifles, for the money I don't think there's a better company and the Creedmoors I've had over the last 8 years have been great. I think I understand the hate of the Creedmoor though, it's why I hate Glock and Vortex, there too many supporters out there that think Creedmoor, Glock, Vortex, etc are way better than they really are.
I would do it if the MRAD is in good condition. You would need to change your username to MRADHunter11...lol
That thing is a beast and would suck to carry a mile to the deer stand....doesn't t mean I'm not going to do it (I will definitely do it), just stating it will suck.

The MRAD is in great condition. The store owner said the previous owner put 40 rounds through the 338LM barrel and never shot the 308 barrel.
That thing is a beast and would suck to carry a mile to the deer stand....doesn't t mean I'm not going to do it (I will definitely do it), just stating it will suck.

The MRAD is in great condition. The store owner said the previous owner put 40 rounds through the 338LM barrel and never shot the 308 barrel.

Haha - this is just my opinion, I think its a no brainer. Those rifles you are trading can easily be replaced down the road unless there is some sentimental value.
Make sure and check the scope before you go ahead with the trade. When I worked at a gun shop we got several MRAD’s with “free” scopes from Leupold. The scopes were all mil-dot reticle and they were out of spec. The distance between the dots was not 1 mil. Had three of these instances.
My local gun shop got a used Barrett MRAD in 338 Lapua Magnum that's topped with Leupold mk4 in 4.5-14x50mm and an additional 20" 308 Winchester switch barrel. The owner knows me well enough and said he'd be willing to trade me the Barrett straight up for my Savage 110 FCP HS Precision in 338 Lapua Magnum with an SWFA 10x42HD scope, my Savage 10 FCP-K in 308 Winchester with a Minox ZA-5HD 3-15x50mm scope, and one of my Aero Ar-10's in 6.5 Creedmoor with a Leupold 3-9x40mm VX-R Patrol scope on top. I feel like it's a fair deal but I'm curious about what other think. The gun shop owner said he'd rather have 3 rifles he can sell easier than 1 boutique expensive rifle that he'll sit on for months.

If you want it just do it. You probably want more scope than that though if you're really going to air it out.

If you do the trade and want more magnification drop me a line, I like the 4.5-14x50's and have some 6.5-20x50's laying around.
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