2 Wolves in 2 Days - Ontario

I think if any agency is keeping tabs on wolves in Michigan today, it's only the feds. Michigan(DNR) wants a hunting season. At least the biologists do, but again, the governor is controlling all of it and thru DC mostly. Once she's out and we ever get a governor that wants real wolf management, the DNRs hands won't be tied up and we'll see one.
I sold my land last year so I really don't know what's going on last winter....but I did spent everyday in the woods hunting and running traps they would be flying a small single engine plane around 200' altitude with the flaps down to fly as slow as possible....it was easy to know when they found wolves they would start doing very tight circles....I would say they were using tracking collars to find the wolves....several times I saw wolves and one with a collar on with the plane doing circles above them....during the winter the wolves spent most of their time in and around the very large thick swamp it is close to 20 sq. miles and a major winter deer yard...
I sold my land last year so I really don't know what's going on last winter....but I did spent everyday in the woods hunting and running traps they would be flying a small single engine plane around 200' altitude with the flaps down to fly as slow as possible....it was easy to know when they found wolves they would start doing very tight circles....I would say they were using tracking collars to find the wolves....several times I saw wolves and one with a collar on with the plane doing circles above them....during the winter the wolves spent most of their time in and around the very large thick swamp it is close to 20 sq. miles and a major winter deer yard...
Yes I believe they probably are monitoring wolves but not at the state level at this point. My buddy is a biologist up there and said they aren't happy about the wolves not being managed. The DNR told the feds that they aren't spending valuable CO cost and time policing the wolves. Sure, they'll bust a guy killing a wolf just because it's their job but they aren't going out of their way to do it. When wolves were being managed by the state before the protection order, they definitely were monitoring them and keeping them on gps.
Sorry to highjack the OP's thread (last time I will do this), but can you post the reference for that Ivory billed event? I have a scientist friend who is an ornithologist and I'm not sure he is aware of that.
I remember a few years back an ornithologist down Georgia Mississippi way establishing a number of recorders in the swamp with the intent of listening for Ivory Bills. He recorded them. Had Smithsonian recordings as reference. They are alive and well.