2 Wolves in 2 Days - Ontario

Wolf wanders? No way! Biologist would know that! It's their job! Especially Michigan wolf biologists!
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We had a bull moose show up in the panhandle years ago and it came from Wyoming according to the tag on it.
We also had a bull elk show up with a radio collar and it came from Montana.
For a wolf to get from the UP to the LP I would think wouldn’t be very hard
I really don't understand what the heck happened to common sense in Wildlife Agencies. Geographic regions are treated like they have impenetrable borders whether land or water. Total disregard for normal animal dispersion, again, land or water.

Ding, ding, ding!! 🤔🤔🤔🤔

POLITICS!! Anti Hunting, Anti gun NOW drives the policies instead of biological sciences.

IMO, instead of compensation for damages, start civil suits against every agency and decision makers. Use their tactics!

Immunity is NOT absolute!

I really don't understand what the heck happened to common sense in Wildlife Agencies. Geographic regions are treated like they have impenetrable borders whether land or water. Total disregard for normal animal dispersion, again, land or water.

Ding, ding, ding!! 🤔🤔🤔🤔

POLITICS!! Anti Hunting, Anti gun NOW drives the policies instead of biological sciences.

IMO, instead of compensation for damages, start civil suits against every agency and decision makers. Use their tactics!

Immunity is NOT absolute!

This is why we have to join together and hold strong
The the higher the wolf, lion, coyote population, the less insurance claims there are from deer and elk vehicle impacts.

Politicians control the Wildlife dept, Insurance companies control the voting of the politicians.

There is little organization Concerning fighting Golith.

Some years ago, I taught Varmint Calling seminars. Game wardens came to the meeting and stood up in front of everyone and told the crowd emphatically that coyotes would not eat deer...I kid you not! At that time the Fish and game were against Varmint hunting, now they are begging anyone and everyone to trap due to deer numbers being down 60%. I spoke to the head wild life biologist, and she told me that they put out a camera by a coyote den, and 23 fawns were brought to the den in one Spring for the pups to eat.

To make matters worse, trappers can sell their coyotes to Hound hunters as long as they have a permit to do so, they get $75 each for them.

Thermal night hunting where legal and trapping can cut numbers dramatically, but hunters want horns.
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I really don't understand what the heck happened to common sense in Wildlife Agencies. Geographic regions are treated like they have impenetrable borders whether land or water. Total disregard for normal animal dispersion, again, land or water.

Ding, ding, ding!! 🤔🤔🤔🤔

POLITICS!! Anti Hunting, Anti gun NOW drives the policies instead of biological sciences.

IMO, instead of compensation for damages, start civil suits against every agency and decision makers. Use their tactics!

Immunity is NOT absolute!

You've got the right idea here. I would add that Wildlife Agencies used to be populated by people with lots of practical experience with wildlife. Now they are coming more from the universities with a leftist/environmental indoctrination.
You've got the right idea here. I would add that Wildlife Agencies used to be populated by people with lots of practical experience with wildlife. Now they are coming more from the universities with a leftist/environmental indoctrination.
With a background in bio, it's one thing to see one's field go south but every State I love too. It's heart breaking. Hunters are an endangered species.
The wolves in the UP were put there by the feds. USFWS. The MI DNR would like to hunt them but every time the feds have tried to turn management back over to the state the major environmental wacko groups sue which then locks it up in court cases for decades.
There are those that want wolves back in all 48 states. They are the ones suing and probably in control of the USFWS. Federal elections matter. We need to get people elected who will correct such things.
A friend of mine is in banking. We were talking about the intentional flooding of the MO River. He said that about 12% of the budget of the Army Corp of Engineers went to hydrologists. The other 78% was now environmentalists. Crazy stuff anymore.
The wolves in the UP were put there by the feds. USFWS. The MI DNR would like to hunt them but every time the feds have tried to turn management back over to the state the major environmental wacko groups sue which then locks it up in court cases for decades.
There are those that want wolves back in all 48 states. They are the ones suing and probably in control of the USFWS. Federal elections matter. We need to get people elected who will correct such things.
A friend of mine is in banking. We were talking about the intentional flooding of the MO River. He said that about 12% of the budget of the Army Corp of Engineers went to hydrologists. The other 78% was now environmentalists. Crazy stuff anymore.
The Michigan wolf thing is 100% politics. Whitmer doesn't want them hunted so of course the President protected them. It's just that simple. Michigan is 100% liberal. House and Senate and Governor are completely democrat so it is what it is. It'll take a new conservative president to do what's right and begin the management of the wolves again.
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