1st Annual Long Range Antelope Hunt with Tyler Sims Outfitters --FINAL UPDATE


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
I am glad to announce that we have filled the camp with 10 hunters and are on our way to an awesome hunt.
I didn't post all of the names to respect your privacy.
I will call each of you soon to touch base and see how things are going, as well as to answer any questions.

I look forward to meeting you all and hunting with you.

All are from LRH or are friends and family of LRH ers.
Not sure how many actively post.
weather just started clearing up this week so hoping to get some shooting in. everything is done except a new barrel and the bolt work, i'm going to send the bolt to short action customs for a badger knob and sprial fluting
Talked to tyler.
Lots of nice bucks out there.
Looks like the economy had made it tough on some folks,
4 had to cancel.
thanks rock i got it ordered, i understand the eco being so bad dosnt really surprize me that some had to cancel

my dad and i are leaving out a little early and going to go by mt rushmore and devils tower before we head to mcfadden

i havnt had any time to do any load development on my rifle so i had to just order some ammo
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