1500 Yard Prairie Dogs By Ernie Bishop


Mar 6, 2008
This is a thread for discussion of the article, 1500 Yard Prairie Dogs By Ernie Bishop. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.

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Great article Ernie. You and I spoke a bit the year that Mike Bellm made it over to you and Steve's (and Don Bowers') Clinic.

I may finally have a project XP on the way. Might have to ping you for some help on the caliber.

Again, enjoyed the article!

Ernie: As always a super story, and a fun read. I am looking forward to doing some serious "Extreme Range P/D shooting"

And some fun Video also

I just hope I am ready by the spring....

Thanks for the writing the article. You're no even using the whole barrel :D. That's right there is just amazing to me!

Thank You!

Accuracy is no different with a shorter barrel.
You will give up around 300 fps give or take from the muzzle though.

The center-grip's are the most difficult for me at this range.
That is why I was so pleased this past spring when I nailed the 1450 yd pd with the 7mm Dakota (center-grip and using a Harris BR bi-pod).
This is a thread for discussion of the article, 1500 Yard Prairie Dogs By Ernie Bishop. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.

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Ernie I have learned so much by reading your articles, I will never ever be able to even try the distance you shoot at. In the East there are very few places where one can shoot 1000 yards. The area is so built up compared what it was like years gone by and I was alot younger and could get around which I can not do now due to a disability. I have a permit to hunt from a vehicle so I have my window set up for a sort of plat form where I have sand bags and I can position my self to where I can shoot. around here a 500 yard shot is long. Reading so many of your articles I got into pistol shooting my favorite being my 6BR 16.25 Ott 1" diameter Barrel on an Encore frame with a very light trigger and a 6-18 Mach 2 Leupold rifle scope. With this setup I have shot many Ground Hogs the longest shot being in the neighborhood of 550 yards. Your articles give me a sense of being there with you. Keep writing those articles so people like me can enjoy your sport through your articles. Thanks so much Lou
Your post is very gracious-Thank You!
Shooting from your vehicle at those distances is pretty impressive.
I know I have been privileged to have access to open areas, and have the time to experiment.
The 6BR is a nice cartridge.
I am glad you have not allowed physical limitations to keep you from shooting.

Ernie I have learned so much by reading your articles, I will never ever be able to even try the distance you shoot at. In the East there are very few places where one can shoot 1000 yards. The area is so built up compared what it was like years gone by and I was alot younger and could get around which I can not do now due to a disability. I have a permit to hunt from a vehicle so I have my window set up for a sort of plat form where I have sand bags and I can position my self to where I can shoot. around here a 500 yard shot is long. Reading so many of your articles I got into pistol shooting my favorite being my 6BR 16.25 Ott 1" diameter Barrel on an Encore frame with a very light trigger and a 6-18 Mach 2 Leupold rifle scope. With this setup I have shot many Ground Hogs the longest shot being in the neighborhood of 550 yards. Your articles give me a sense of being there with you. Keep writing those articles so people like me can enjoy your sport through your articles. Thanks so much Lou
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