Inside Darrell Holland's Long Range Shooting School By Ernie Bishop


Mar 6, 2008
Having been a part of several long range shooting schools for specialty pistols, I was very impressed with the amount of information shared and the time shooting that could be accomplished in four days. The thing that stood out the most to me was the focus on building a good foundation. I have realized over the years, there are more hunters than one could imagine that do not know how to zero their scope or clean and maintain their rifle adequately. Add to that the pride men tend to have when it comes to being taught things, such as proper shooting technique in the field. Since many have been pulling the trigger before they could talk, or have hunted around the world successfully, it takes some time to change bad habits that show up quickly at longer distances. While I was there, one of the students shot a rifle for the first time in their life. It caused me to truly appreciate the systems approach to accuracy in the field with an emphasis on the basics.
This is a thread for discussion of the article, Inside Darrell Holland's Long Range Shooting School, By Ernie Bishop. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.
I really enjoyed the article Ernie, great job!

I'm still looking for a local area that will let me practice at the longer ranges. I'll find one eventually. Attending one of the schools like Holland's or Carlock's would be nice one day. It's clear the schools can save you a great deal of time on the learning curve.

Thanks again for the article.

Congrats, Ernie on your new position! I really enjoyed the article having attended Darrell's school. The things I learned there have really helped me harvest game and connect at greater distances. I think Darrell is his own man and forms his opinions based on research and experience. His technical abilities enable him to assess things based on a scientific approach and he is , I believe , truly expert in the things he teaches. Also his ability to communicate those things is exceptional. I am sure you will help the students and also continue to learn yourself in that environment. Having the access to ask questions in that context is very valuable.

Good success to you and continued success to Darrell. 30-338
Great article, enjoyed it a lot, and learned from it also. Looking forward to take a course like that one in the future. I am sure Darrell Hollands Long Range Shooting School would be one of the best investments I can make in my long range shooting project. Thanks for the article and the info. Will be looking forward for the course.
Nice article. I hope to be able to go thru one of the shooting schools this year.

One thing stood out at me from the article. "Coffee was available." When I was shooting small bore 3 position competition, we weren't allowed any coffee that morning before the shoot, and the coach really frowned on us having any caffine for a day or two before the match as well. I know prone from a bipod and a bag is slightly more stable than any position we had, but every little twitch counts!

But, I think some shooters that are used to caffine would really start twitching if made to go cold turkey! :D
This is a thread for discussion of the article, Inside Darrell Holland's Long Range Shooting School, By Ernie Bishop. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.

Ernie great article. I enjoyed the class last year. I am planning on going to the alumni shoot. I have been to a number of LE/MIL training classes for shooting; this class exceeded my expectations. It also aided me in getting a good 130 class Oregon Coastal black tail buck this year with my 308.
This is a thread for discussion of the article, Inside Darrell Holland's Long Range Shooting School, By Ernie Bishop. Here you can ask questions or make comments about the article.

I have not attended Darrell's school but I did attend another school at the age of 54. I shot all my life and like many thought I was a good shot and I had made many excellent/lucky shots. When I got into long range , 1 1/2 inch groups didn't make the grade. I thought I needed better guns,scopes, loads, or anything except more skill as a shooter. Long story short, I took a three day class and my groups with same guns, amo ,ect shrank to 1/2 inch. I would highly reccomend anyone getting into long range take a shooting school from Darrell or anyone else who covers all the basics like he does and you will dramaticly improve your skills and confidence. Even if you have shot for years, the class will teach you the correct terminoligies so you can make sence of the things you read on the rest of the threads on this forum. The cost of a school is less than a good scope and will improve your shooting much more!
Sometimes we assume we can buy our way into good field shooting at distance.
Good equipment is recommended, but the foundation is the skills on how to use that equipment to the fullest is something that we all continue to work on.
Good thoughts on your post!
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