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These are not wives tales, however, they are legendary. along the Blue River in southern Oklahoma a gentleman shot an eleven hundred pound beast. The head was mounted and hangs in the gas station on I35 Lake Texoma Dam exit. The head appears to be three feet long. Now back to central Texas. This next one my brother caught on his game camera. Look at the shoulders!!!! Then look at the tusks!!! You sure you want to go into a cedar thicket after this? My brother named him "Fang" and this is where I started calling them the Texas"RHINOS". Last but not least is "BRUTIS MAXIMUS". A professional trapper estimated him at over one thousand pounds.The rancher who's property we hunted told us about this one and showed us the trap. About a year and a half ago he was checking his cows when he pulled up on some hogs. One was huge. He pulled out his 30/30 aimed at the head and squeezed. The giant fell. He drove up, got out of the truck and saw blood on the forehead of his trophy. He got back in the truck to call his wife for pictures and the beast jumped up and disappeared. BRUTIS had not been seen until about a month ago. He was having so much trouble with hogs he hired a professional trapper. This guy pulls in with a custom built triple x strong trap. This trap has cameras and an electronic door. It alerts him on his cell phone when hogs have entered. Well the cell alarm goes off and he drops the door on BRUTIS. BRUTIS bashed that trap from every angle. Bloody but not beaten he went to a corner. Here he began to root with that massive snout. He finally got that snout under the corner post. With unbelievable strength he lifted and bent one quarter of that trap. BRUTIS, FANG, THE RHINOS remain at large.