What is a high velocity bullet?

If there is not a "high velocity" bullet, what is there? Bullets are medium velocity? Your point is well taken that the term high velocity bullet can't be defined. Obviously some bullets can handle higher velocity launches and impacts than others. How should this be differentiated? What term should folks use in conversation about bullets that would be acceptable?
It's not as conversational I suppose, but specifics such as muzzle velocity, and terminal velocity are of more use in the sharing of information.

Pretend it's a legal question and the bill proposed eliminating "high velocity" ammunition. I would assume like the term "assault rifle" the user could not define what was being discussed.

Maybe a recent question needed more info something on the order of "What does 2 XX chromosomes tell you about a person?"

All of us use terms that hit somebodies buttons.
I've only made it through page 3 but for some reason I would think it would pertain to each different cartridge per grain bullet. Like 22 rimfire. Example 308 150 grain. Standard velocity soft point. 150 grain mono of your choice, Berger VLD or what ever loaded hotter for a higher velocity . Mayber lighter bullet higher fps ? Just my senior moment of thinking ??? 🤔
IMO it just is more accurate to list the bullet's velocity for any given rifle and cartridge combination. One could also say this is fast, average, or slow for a given cartridge/ bullet weight/ barrel length. Even then we'll have discrepancies, but at least I think we'd rule out some disagreement. No? LOL
I second that.
Very fast, hmm?
If it goes faster than this elderly, arthritic, spine with compressed disks and spurs, with shot lungs can run, it is really really fast, which included high velocity, and I don't want to compete with it.

I like my bullets to be capable of repeatedly hitting my point of aim, always shooting within my limitations.
I like the bullets I shoot to hit and kill the animal before it can hear the report.
I do not like my bullets to disintegrate during their voyage. That would be "hyperbolic" speed. Description borrowed from a sci-fi comedy.

Enjoying the answers, thank you for the question.
Big Bear Lake. Lake Arrowhead. Hunted San Bernardino Nat. Forest for 40 years . Beautiful. Except for fires. Good to hear from you again !
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Don't know about high velocity but
Hyper velocity is 20% faster says so in the pic.:D😈
