Where are the powder and primers?

I got mine but it wasn't easy or cheap. I need one more LeverEvolution though to be fat.


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The only people paying gunbroker prices are idiots on gunbroker.

The regular supply shops have somewhat reasonable prices. Everything has gone up with inflation and anything associated with increased oil and gas prices which is pretty much everything.

If your waiting for the old prices previous to whatever event you choose that caused the short, those prices are never coming back.
The point is the idiots on gun broker are sucking up supply because people are willing to pay $300 for a brick of primers. If no one was willing to pay that they wouldn't have bots scanning the net 24/7.
I have a local store which sells powder and primers so I don't have to pay hazmat. They stay sold out. When I want something I have to call early in the morning to see what came in on the trucks. What they get usually is sold out that day and it is a hour drive for me one way. I told them I hate to bother them but it is the only way. Now I need IMR 4350. I'm in northern S.C. Wish I had couple of guys that local that would pool a order online to divide the shipping.
I mean container as in "shipping container". Or rail car, depending where it's coming from. How much is a production lot, and how many do we have to buy to get a spot in line?

I'll call Berlin re: packaging, maybe we parcel it out in 30# jugs?
I figured that was what you meant. I also know that I'd be down for that. Can't speak for other members here, but I have to believe that we could get serious interest in this if someone had the connections.

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