wolves or no wolves

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Invitation still stands, you've got the talking part done as usual.
Anybody coming to the Kalispell are that wants some spots to ever try there hand at wolf hunting privately p.m. me im done with this CLOWN!!
I'm a clown?

See, I was going to head up there and singlehandedly eradicate them for you, but not now. You guys must be garbage hunters if you let them eat all your deer and can't kill them.

Reminds me of when I used to log in the Sahara Forrest.

Someone get this guy some decaff
Invitation still stands, you've got the talking part done as usual.
Anybody coming to the Kalispell are that wants some spots to ever try there hand at wolf hunting privately p.m. me im done with this CLOWN!!
I'll help him too. I'm in Region 2. Bitterroot. Come get one if it's so easy. 406muley
Where did I say it was easy?

Where did I say I was coming?

You are both incapable of reading the simplest statements. Heck, you probably both dropped out of the same middle school. It's impossible to have meaningful conversation with people who can't read and comprehend what is written.
Anybody else wanna jump in here and prove my point? So far I'm 2 for 2..
You have two offers to hunt wolves in Montana with guys that know how. What's not to like? 406muley

Just remember that generosity when the next guy who actually wants to do it is looking for help. I've got too much going on to be doing free predator control for you mountain cowboys. 😅
Just remember that generosity when the next guy who actually wants to do is looking for help. I've got too much going on to be doing free predator control for you mountain cowboys. 😅
I agree with LSherm about you. If you have no intention of dealing with the problem and live in Tennessee, keep your mouth shut boy. 406muley
I agree with LSherm about you. If you have no intention of dealing with the problem and live in Tennessee, keep your mouth shut boy. 406muley
Keep my mouth shut? Man, another internet tough guy. Safe behind that phone you're a bad man I'm sure.

You see buck-o you called it a "problem". It isn't my problem. If it was in my backyard I would be solving it, not whining about it on an internet forum. It is a problem, in your backyard and folks like you aren't up to the task of solving it. You guys might want to consider paying better hunters than yourselves to come up there and take care of it for you.
Keep my mouth shut? Man, another internet tough guy. Safe behind that phone you're a bad man I'm sure.

You see buck-o you called it a "problem". It isn't my problem. If it was in my backyard I would be solving it, not whining about it on an internet forum. It is a problem, in your backyard and folks like you aren't up to the task of solving it. You guys might want to consider paying better hunters than yourselves to come up there and take care of it for you.

How many you have? 406muley
I haven't seen a wolf since my family left Alaska in the 80's. If you had bothered to read anything I wrote before you started vomiting insults here, you'd have seen that I only made a statement about how many folks from your neck of the woods discourage people from coming there and trying to kill them, or tell them that without and outfitter they are wasting their time. Now, can we go back to having a reasonable conversation about this and stop slinging mud? I never claimed they were easy to kill, nor did I ever make mention of coming there and killing any myself. Go back and read the part where I explained my father's experiences with them, and my knowledge of how difficult it was for him. He probably spent 300 days a year out there hunting and trapping and probably didn't average one a year in an area with a much higher wolf density. I am under no illusion of the difficulty, but that doesn't mean that serious hunters should be discouraged from trying.
Like I said, I'll help guys. Busloads of them. The thing about hunting the dang things is it takes time. Lots of it. And dedication. Trapping works best where I am, but that is dang near a full time job in itself. I'd gladly kill every one if them tomorrow, but I can't so I have had to educate myself and kill them when I can. I do see a lot of posts promoting the SSS and other ineffective and honestly, illegal ways of killing them. They aren't going anywhere, and I have come to realize that. And no, an outfitter is not required. 406muley
Like I said, I'll help guys. Busloads of them. The thing about hunting the dang things is it takes time. Lots of it. And dedication. Trapping works best where I am, but that is dang near a full time job in itself. I'd gladly kill every one if them tomorrow, but I can't so I have had to educate myself and kill them when I can. I do see a lot of posts promoting the SSS and other ineffective and honestly, illegal ways of killing them. They aren't going anywhere, and I have come to realize that. And no, an outfitter is not required. 406muley
I've done some extensive reading about what efforts were taken to eradicate them around the turn of the last century. It took what would be the equivalent of billions of dollars in today's world in poison and trapping. They eradicated a handful of other species with the poisons inadvertently back then. And from now on, if there is a serious drop in their populations, they will get ESA listed again and be as protected as bald eagles. I think that like you said, everyone is just going to have to adjust. I think that maybe the long term solution is similar to the way I explain my coyote killing efforts to ranchers here:

I explain to them that we will never eradicate them, that is literally impossible, but what we can do is kill the dumb ones, thin them out the areas where they are congregated and make them afraid of humans. If they see humans as danger, it can help keep them away from livestock and pets and the like. That may be about as much as you guys can hope for with wolves from now on. I know that in places where they are protected, they are really bold.
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Heres my experiance hunting the wolf.I avreage 50 fall days hunting bell to bell.Grew up hunting wilderness area that had lots of game before wolf. I have been in a position to blunt or close enough for a bow harvest of almost all game in MT right down to lynx and wolverine,had both at 30 yrds.Taken many book animals and my last 20 bulls where 6x6. Ive spent weeks on end after regular season wolf hunting.Gave it up and just worked this year.Have never had a crack at one,howeled them in close.Almost got one with my truck going to work last year.Then my kids friends that hardly hunt both shot wolfs,where Ive been 1000 times.I cant image how much fuel ive burned hunting them.


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