I will not be getting 'the vaccine'...

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The Biden camp along with Fraudci & Gates of Hell already have a bill they are about to thrust on America

Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination for all US citizens

Refuse vaccination for Covid-19 ?

You will be barred from flying, driving, banking, grocery stores, hardware stores, clothing stores etc., restaurants and the list goes on, you won't be allowed to have a job because that will require the

basically everything you were just trained for with the masking rules
Is there a bill number so that we can call our congressional representatives and NFIB rep?
Thanks for all you do, Steve. (Hammer Bullets are awesome)

You know, I looked for Dolores Cahill on YouTube, and found next to nothing. I couldn't even find the video that I posted, which was hosted by YouTube. Weird, 'eh? I tried Google, and that didn't turn up much either.

Duck duck go works a lot better for some reason...

Here is a good video from September of last year. There are a couple of off audio drop outs, but overall it's pretty good. Until the end where people basically start asking her, "How do we advocate for our own rights?" Which just seemed a little sad to me, and indicative of the greater problem here.

I just found a 3 part series from last week on Facebook (?!) I will post tomorrow.
Worse than Hitler
Got my first shot two days ago. Woke up yesterday with a little soreness in my arm. While brushing my teeth I thought they looked a little darker than usual, and a little longer, but decided it might have had something to do with the whiskey I had for breakfast. My arm got to itching a little later in the day but I did not notice anything wrong until the little green hairs started sprouting out between the blisters running along that purplish-blue vein shooting down my arm. And that was the other arm. Where I actually took "the needle," there was a knot growing under the skin like a big pimple. Meanwhile, my feet no longer fit in my mountain hiker boots and the hair on my legs was long and little kids were rubbing it down and watching it pop back up. Kinda reminded me of Biden at his swimming pool with Corn Pop. Then my fingernails turned red and looked like a Madona trying to blow up the Whitehouse. I fell into a sweaty sleep and woke up later with one of those second heads people here have been talking about. The head kept asking me when was the last time an actor had killed a president. The boil on my arm from the day before was now a full-sized blood dripping head that looked like a president of some country. I am now having trouble getting rid of the kids trying to play with the hair on my legs and my second head is mad at me because I am a gun-loving nut.

I am shaving the green hair off of my arms with my extremely sharp red fingernails and slapping this actor's head that is growing larger by the hour. I'll get back to you tomorrow, ButterBean, and let you know my status since receiving my first dose of "the Juice." I am going back for my second shot tonight during the full moon.
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We are facing massive biological warfare on humans, they care not who or what you think you are, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Christian, Atheist, White, Black etc, etc, etc ..,,,,,,,

All of humanity on the planet, they consider expendable... are targeted . They do not disciminate

Sad to see all these indoctrinated, vaccine apologists championing something they have zero knowledge of, other than parroting false "facts" that are carefully prepared to seem plausible

These same people will later turn on the unvaccinated with dark hatred and blame them for all the horrific pain and suffering they will be experiencing ... the zombie madness effect

Those of you who are waiting or are on the fence deciding to take these covid poisons, WAIT 6-12 months ...,, wait for the fallout then decide, of course they will blackout info in mainstream media, so look to your local news and nongov community organizations where you will find truth before it is suppressed ...

watch the video in the link before it vanishes off the web, especially the part at 13:00 on ,

We are facing massive biological warfare on humans, they care not who or what you think you are, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Christian, Atheist, White, Black etc, etc, etc ..,,,,,,,

All of humanity on the planet, they consider expendable... are targeted . They do not disciminate

Sad to see all these indoctrinated, vaccine apologists championing something they have zero knowledge of, other than parroting false "facts" that are carefully prepared to seem plausible

These same people will later turn on the unvaccinated with dark hatred and blame them for all the horrific pain and suffering they will be experiencing ... the zombie madness effect

Those of you who are waiting or are on the fence deciding to take these covid poisons, WAIT 6-12 months ...,, wait for the fallout then decide, of course they will blackout info in mainstream media, so look to your local news and nongov community organizations where you will find truth before it is suppressed ...

watch the video in the link before it vanishes off the web, especially the part at 13:00 on ,

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You are absolutely right but your NOT supposed to know that!!!
sorry for the doomsday report, lol
do your own research and think about the names behind these toxic cocktails ....

Taking the vaccine is a life altering (or ending) decision and only you can decide

here is another fact, via humorous meme of course, a fact that the maskholes will ignore and try to newspeak around but makes 100% sense

Like I said .... DO YOUR RESEARCH ... the information is right in front of your eyes and usually provided by them .... not "conspiracy theories" ...


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I give up, Swamplord. What is it you are really trying to say to us? No attachments needed. I simply want to know what you are thinking in your own mind about the Covid-19 vaccines. No judgment here. Just can't figure where you really stand.
after much due diligence, my vein is ready for the needle containing the vaccine.
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