Bumpstocks banned

Here comes the gang of experts. In another year when bumpstocks are nothing more than the ghost of Christmas past, I'll come back and let each of you explain how RIGHT your opinions were, yet bumpstocks still remain illegal. Hold onto those oh so correct opinions if you feel better for it. My opinions are likewise correct. Difference being, continuing bumpstock illegality will support my opinion. All you'll have is the continuing Constitutional RIGHT to claim your opinions remain correct. No matter the delusion required to remain correct in your minds.

You'll all be dead right, in having gotten it completely wrong. I look forward to it. At that time, I'll predict you'll claim I'm not a good sport. Rubbing it in. Can't wait. One one thousand, two one thousand...
I grasp the fact this thread is titled Bumpstocks banned. I know what the title implies. I came discuss bumpstocks. I grasp that you're now trying to divert the discussion to your own pet interest.

Your theory, knowledge, and opinion regarding your pet interest isn't getting through to me, because I don't share your pet interest. I'm not hostage to your interests. I'm discussing bumpstocks. You wanna recite the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, the 2nd Amendment, Constitutional Republics, impress yourself and have at it. When the time comes and bumpstocks are again as legal as bubble gum, you can tell me you got it all right.

When they never become legal as bubble gum, don't worry about telling me I got it right. I already know that.

Anyhow, insisting I follow your lead is another HAHAHAHA moment on you. Not only are your opinions holy, we now must also follow where you lead. I'll make my way without your lead.
Fine, you want to discuss bumpstocks themselves or the banning of them... Go for it... We're waiting... What exactly do you want to discuss about them or the ban? Functions? Features? Colors? Brand? What they look like? Why they got banned?

Most of us could care less if they ever become legal again, or if they were ever outlawed 8 years ago... If the actual important things about this ban (other than the actual literal fact that bumpstocks are now banned...Period...Full stop.) don't matter to you, then why are you even in here discussing this? Banning the plastic bumpstocks themselves has virtually nothing to do with why majority of people are ****ed off.

I don't care if you agree with me or not. I don't care if anyone agrees with me. My opinion only means what you want it to mean. If that's nothing, then so be it. But your retorts to my comments are not even about the same things I'm talking about in my posts...
This thread got mean. I personally don't like the government telling me what to do. Constitution, no constitution, liberal, conservative. As long as I'm not harming anyone, leave me alone. Pretty simple, but a lot of Americans think they have the "correct answer" and want to push their views on the others. Should the bump stock be banned? No. Should machine guns be illegal? No. Suppressors? No. But because other people think they know what's best for us, they are. If that isn't a travesty of justice, I don't know what is.

exactly. that is the basis for the non-aggression principle that classical liberalism is based on.
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." and "No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him." (Thomas Jefferson 1816)

This thread got mean. I personally don't like the government telling me what to do. Constitution, no constitution, liberal, conservative. As long as I'm not harming anyone, leave me alone. Pretty simple, but a lot of Americans think they have the "correct answer" and want to push their views on the others. Should the bump stock be banned? No. Should machine guns be illegal? No. Suppressors? No. But because other people think they know what's best for us, they are. If that isn't a travesty of justice, I don't know what is.
This guy gets it!!! This is nothing more than tyrannical and political muscle-flexing at its finest...No matter how many law-abiding citizen's rights they have to **** over to get it. If this is upheld, it's going to be a complete abortion of our judicial system.
Fine, you want to discuss bumpstocks themselves or the banning of them... Go for it... We're waiting... What exactly do you want to discuss about them or the ban? Functions? Features? Colors? Brand? What they look like? Why they got banned?

Most of us could care less if they ever become legal again, or if they were ever outlawed 8 years ago... If the actual important things about this ban (other than the actual literal fact that bumpstocks are now banned...Period...Full stop.) don't matter to you, then why are you even in here discussing this? Banning the plastic bumpstocks themselves has virtually nothing to do with why majority of people are ****ed off.

I don't care if you agree with me or not. I don't care if anyone agrees with me. My opinion only means what you want it to mean. If that's nothing, then so be it. But your retorts to my comments are not even about the same things I'm talking about in my posts...

It was just a very short time ago that you posted so eloquently in explaining your interest on this Forum was to assist the membership with their gun-related and shooting-related knowledge. Just here to help the membership. Yet now you're force feeding again because of whatever ails you. You've lost your way again, if we were to ever believe your prior statements. Shall I use the search function and find that eloquent post. You're here to hep... Is this how you help? Or is this you throwing another fit.
It was just a very short time ago that you posted so eloquently in explaining your interest on this Forum was to assist the membership with their gun-related and shooting-related knowledge. Just here to help the membership. Yet now you're force feeding again because of whatever ails you. You've lost your way again, if we were to ever believe your prior statements. Shall I use the search function and find that eloquent post. You're here to hep... Is this how you help? Or is this you throwing another fit.
How can I help you on this subject?

I'm not throwing a fit. This is what someone with an open mind and a love of freedom looks like when their rights are being sold down the river without due-process, and there's nothing they can do about it. When the President lies about upholding our 2A rights, and how they're safe in his hands, and then we all get bent over. I trusted Trump because he was NOT a politician.
This guy gets it!!! This is nothing more than tyrannical and political muscle-flexing at its finest...No matter how many law-abiding citizen's rights they have to **** over to get it. If this is upheld, it's going to be a complete abortion of our judicial system.

You mean he gets it because he agrees with you. You found a buddy. Two members helping one another. Ain't that cute.
Here comes the gang of experts. In another year when bumpstocks are nothing more than the ghost of Christmas past, I'll come back and let each of you explain how RIGHT your opinions were, yet bumpstocks still remain illegal. Hold onto those oh so correct opinions if you feel better for it. My opinions are likewise correct. Difference being, continuing bumpstock illegality will support my opinion. All you'll have is the continuing Constitutional RIGHT to claim your opinions remain correct. No matter the delusion required to remain correct in your minds.

You'll all be dead right, in having gotten it completely wrong. I look forward to it. At that time, I'll predict you'll claim I'm not a good sport. Rubbing it in. Can't wait. One one thousand, two one thousand...
You still haven't answered my question yet
You mean he gets it because he agrees with you. You found a buddy. Two members helping one another. Ain't that cute.

Don't get me involved in this. I'm an adult with my own logical thinking. That was a stand alone statement/opinion. Live and let live ideaology.
Personally I am not trying to force feed my views. Just trying to explain why I am more frightened of our government than I ever could have imagined 20 years ago. I think they are the ones that have lost their way and no longer represent the taxpayers in this country. I would feel 100% better if one of you guys could convince me I'm wrong
You mean he gets it because he agrees with you. You found a buddy. Two members helping one another. Ain't that cute.
No, he understands what freedom truly is. Freedom is being left the hell alone, and allowed to speak your mind, and not being forced to comply with things you disagree with, as long as you are not forcing others to agree with you.

I don't care if anyone agrees with me or not. But when someone does, it's always reassuring. Same thing you feel when someone agrees with you, I assume. I've agreed with a lot of your posts in the past, just not on this exact subject. Aren't we allowed to disagree? You're allowed to disagree with me... Why can't I disagree with you without being condescended?
How can I help you on this subject?
Continue to demonstrate how you go about helping the membership. That will be the gift of help that keeps on helping the members. It will help them go anywhere, to anyone for help, other than you.

In your opinion, I'm sure you're the biggest helper on this Forum. You don't care if anyone agrees or disagrees with you or your opinions, by your own posts. The perfect helper.
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