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  • I have some R16 if you ever get down to the twin cities area. Looking for H1000 and Federal GM 215Ms
    Hey, I saw your post regarding the Barrett Fieldcraft in 30/06, I’m considering one myself! What are your thoughts on this rifle? Has it been easy to load for? Thanks

    Huge fan of that rifle! Extremely light but shoots like a dream. On a very short list of "go-to" rifles when I know I'll be putting on some miles in the back country.
    It has been very easy to work up accurate loads and currently have half MOA (or better) loads for 175 VLD, 180 TBT and 190 ABLRs. RL16 and Superformance have been great powders in this rifle.
    Worth every penny!
    What’s your load for the 190 ABLR?
    I'll check my notes tonight and shoot you a PM.
    Thanks for the response to my advertisement and the offer to help a new owner.

    Apparently, we like the same type of rifles and cars.
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