Berger 195's failing?

So ...what is the alternative hunting bullet especially if you have a gun throated for the 195's. Possibly the 175 ELDX? For 28 Nosler hunters what bullet are you getting best terminal performance with?
So ...what is the alternative hunting bullet especially if you have a gun throated for the 195's. Possibly the 175 ELDX? For 28 Nosler hunters what bullet are you getting best terminal performance with?
I'm shooting the 175 eld-x. 0 issues and it's deadly on animals. Friends trying to get me to switch to the 195 I said no way
If not much trouble do you mine sharing your 175 ELDX load data? Thanks
No problem. Nosler brass of course, 80 grains of h1000, and a 175 eld-x. When I started this I just Googled the length of a Nosler bullet which is 3.340 inches and I've always just ran with that which turns out was about a hundredths of an inch off the lands which would cover any bullet discrepancy and it just shot from there. Enjoy shooting, I don't enjoy problems I enjoy shooting so I try to keep it as simple as I can.


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I , and my sons ,shoot bergers in all of my hunting rifles 7wsm 7UR 338 rum 338 edge. I try to take shoulder shots when i can mainly high where the spine and shoulders meet,we shoot up to 12 deer a year here in MS ,weights ranging from 120 pound does to 245 pound bucks, i know thats on the lighter side of guys north of here and not elk but there is no telling how many we have took with berger bullets and there is no way i would consider changing. Now i am really paying attention to the 195 in the rogue but just havent shot it enough to make a good assessment of it yet, at longer ranges but i feel good enough to hunt with it. These southern deer can flat out dissappear in a turn or two.
I agree with Alex that the 195 not a good hunting bullet. I shot a broadside cow behind the shoulder with 7 Saum @ 300 yards and see didn't even flinch! Put another one behind her other shoulder and again, no reaction. Just stood there. Neck shot to put her down, no exits and no blood but could see where bullet went in. Friend lung shot one later with his 7 wsm 450 yards on a late hunt that that ran off like nothing happened. Got on snowmobile and found her laying down 1/2 mile away with her head still up. Had to finish her off. Watched my brother drill one at 420 with his 7 WSM, and again no reaction. Shot her again. Same thing. Walked in to a thicket and laid down for a bit then got up and ran around the mountain like nothing happened. No blood. Baffles me how a bullet with 3900 ft lbs of enegy can work so bad. Seen several deer hit with no reaction that should of dropped! Friend had to shoot a bull 3x this year before it would go down at 300 yards. And the same gun nicked a shoulder last year on a cow that did go down, but the shoulders were a blood shot jello mess !! And that not all. I banning them in my hunting party. They do shoot awesome on long range steel. I might shoot the rest of mine up on p dogs.. Berger did offer to replace my brothers lot of bullets so they must be aware that they have a issue. Like wrong label !!
And I have a guy here thats has 300 EHs blowing up not exiting.
I have had shots with the 250 and my rum where they didnt exit but got caught by the skin but they were big mushrooms, those were at close range, but my edge has always exited and performed good . I also realize elk are a bit tougher and demanding on bullets
Had a couple 300 Berger EH pencil hole on on us . Elk hit thru shoulder with edge at 530 yards ran over 200 yards before it dropped. Was supposed to drop were I could back the pickup up to it !!!!
wow thats still pretty close for a pencil still over 3500 ft pounds on that bullet I have had no issues with my edge out to 800 but there again smaller animal
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