Your SHTF mandatory gun list.

When I was young hunting south of Laredo I didn't think about toilet paper, there are no real leaves in south Texas only thorny bush. I used a sand gritty rock never forgot to take toilet paper again. 😉
I have used leaves, grass, corn cobs, my sock, bottom ring torn off of t-shirt and notebook paper. Never a sandy rock.
SHTF = "NO RULES DAYS" (NRD) in my book. Living in the hurricane box, its not unusual to lose power for 3-14 days. I've never seen "no rules days" here.

But if NRD do descend upon you, put the notion in the back of your mind that when rules are once again restored/imposed, you will be held accountable for your actions. So remain the sheepdog and do not transition into a wolf.

Pretty lengthy list of blasters in most posts...

As my Gunny used to say, "you pack it, you hump it". Every round, every ounce, adds up when you're on your feet carrying a load.

So, if SHTF consider your loadout very carefully.

IMO, there are 3 different basic scenarios to consider and my weapons/loadout are different for each one.
1. Hunkered down
2. Mobile-on foot
3. Mobile-by vehicle
Each has it's own load-out parameters/plan.

SHTF, you need a good plan IN PLACE that should include like-minded neighbors; going at it alone is not a good plan. Of course a plan is just a plan, once *hit starts rolling down hill, most plans fly out the window and in need of adjustment (Murphy always gets a say in your plan). As is often said, "most folks don't plan to fail, they just fail to plan".

In my book, you need just 2 blasters, a handgun and a rifle. Both of which you are very proficient and have plenty of ammo.

And don't forget that stout edged weapon!
Too bad you're on the opposite side of the country. I wouldn't mind you as a neighbor.
The answer depends a lot on whether you are remaining in a static location or bugging out. Guns and ammo are heavy especially if you are carrying othet supplies (food, water, med kit, etc). Ive carried a firearm professionally in some of the most inhospitable places on is not easy. A PWS Mk216 (308) with 6-25rd pmags of 308 plus a 65# ruck sack will wear you out in short order. This is one of those times where a handgun/rifle of the same caliber would be VERY handy. Whether its a 9mm Semi Auto/carbine or a levergun/revolver combo (my preferance). However, remaining in a static location presents a whole different set of problems.
This right here.

I have an AR9, FNS, and Sig for CCW. All 9mm.

Get a "get back" bag together that gets you home to your family. Your best defense is bonding with your community/neighborhood. Even my little small subdivision can mount a pretty good protection for everyone involved. Is it sad that we actually have to plan these things now?

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