Wyoming Antelope


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2008
Shot this guy a few weeks ago in the foothills of the Bighorns. Found him bedded tightly in the sage, facing me at 460 yards. Interestly I wasn't able to get a range on him due to interference from the sage with my Leica Geovids but got an accurate read using my G7 Rangefinder with the near/far feature. After watching him for over an hour waiting for him to get up it appeared he was going to hold tight. My only shot was about a 10 inch opening in the sage to place my 140 gr Berger from my 6.5x284 into the left front chest/shoulder pocket. Wind correction was a 7 mph full value for 1.5 moa correction. Got him, didnt move.


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Congratulations! I miss pronghorn hunting. I will put in for WY next year.

Nice looking rifle too. Who put it together?
It's a Cooper 520.from BOTW, a gift from my wife for my 60th birthday a couple of years ago. It's an incredible shooter!

I remember talking to them about that after Aaron left. IIRC, they related to me that the ammunition maker (HSM)? was right across the road from Cooper. They requested the 2 companies get together and "make a quarter minute combo."

Does Cooper make their own barrels? Or is that a handlapped tube from one of the big makers?
I remember talking to them about that after Aaron left. IIRC, they related to me that the ammunition maker (HSM)? was right across the road from Cooper. They requested the 2 companies get together and "make a quarter minute combo."

Does Cooper make their own barrels? Or is that a handlapped tube from one of the big makers?

The barrel is a custom produced by Wilson Arms, the company that acquired Cooper. The action is blue printed as well. If I do my part it is easily .25MOA, many times better with their loads or mine...if I'm on my game.
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