Wiggys antarctic hunter sleeping bag review


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2013
I purchased a wiggys antarctic hunter -60 deg sleeping bag for hunting this year. I used it in a tent with a cot and a Klymit static v insulated pad. On the first trip temps got down to single digits and one night I got cold and put my thermals on and was fine from then on. On the next trip we hit the trail head late in the night and it was -12. We slept in the fifth wheel portion of the horse trailer. I put 1'' thick wool horse pads underneath my Klymit pad for additional insulation. I was afraid it was still going to be too cold so I wore heavy weight fleece thermals, fleece lined pants, sweatshirt, and a knit wool cap. It was an extremely cold night and the bag did not keep me warm! Now I did not really expect this bag would be good to -60, but I was hoping it would do -20 to -30 and I don't think there is anyway it would be comfortable in those temps. I emailed Jerry at wiggy's yesterday asking him about this bag. He was quite rude over the emails blaming my sleeping pad for the cold. He said that "they were full of it" to the screenshot I sent him of the description of my pad and the insulation inside. He then told me "Let one of them use the pad with you one day". Overall to begin with I was quite happy with the bag it seemed a lot more durable than many other sleeping bags out there and stuffs down into a relatively small size considering the size of the bag. Down to 0 it performed well but beyond that it is not enough. Wiggy's -60 rating is grossly overestimated and his customer service was some of the worst I have experienced. I will be keeping this bag as it doesn't look like he will take it back but I would not by another product from him.
Wow, that is unfortunate. I use Wiggy’s bags and have had nothing but good things to say about them. I was shipped the wrong bag once and he shipped me the right one before I sent the wrong one back. Haven’t used them lower than single digits but have been happy down to that.
I have an older wiggys bag that I used years ago on an Alaskan float moose hunt in October. Not sure of the temps but needed to wear my fleece jacket and a watch cap. Temperature ratings for bags always seem exaggerated. The Greeley expedition used buffalo robe bags that slept 3 in a bag. They slept nutz to butz to stay warm.
His bags were raved about on the kifaru website years ago but there was report of terrible customer service then.
Sorry to hear that! I always look at temp ratings on sleeping bags as a "You won't die rating" No one said you'd be comfortable at -60, but you won't die! ;)
It's another one those places you wish you knew what you were actually getting!
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I purchased a wiggys antarctic hunter -60 deg sleeping bag for hunting this year. I used it in a tent with a cot and a Klymit static v insulated pad. On the first trip temps got down to single digits and one night I got cold and put my thermals on and was fine from then on. On the next trip we hit the trail head late in the night and it was -12. We slept in the fifth wheel portion of the horse trailer. I put 1'' thick wool horse pads underneath my Klymit pad for additional insulation. I was afraid it was still going to be too cold so I wore heavy weight fleece thermals, fleece lined pants, sweatshirt, and a knit wool cap. It was an extremely cold night and the bag did not keep me warm! Now I did not really expect this bag would be good to -60, but I was hoping it would do -20 to -30 and I don't think there is anyway it would be comfortable in those temps. I emailed Jerry at wiggy's yesterday asking him about this bag. He was quite rude over the emails blaming my sleeping pad for the cold. He said that "they were full of it" to the screenshot I sent him of the description of my pad and the insulation inside. He then told me "Let one of them use the pad with you one day". Overall to begin with I was quite happy with the bag it seemed a lot more durable than many other sleeping bags out there and stuffs down into a relatively small size considering the size of the bag. Down to 0 it performed well but beyond that it is not enough. Wiggy's -60 rating is grossly overestimated and his customer service was some of the worst I have experienced. I will be keeping this bag as it doesn't look like he will take it back but I would not by another product from him.
I have been looking into there bags. [Need a bag for 56 coat shoulder girth] ... The response from service is what disturbs me. Fluffing the bag and mat, a few other things a supplier could tell you. Getting you outfitted for the next trip should be the plan of customer service. { although.... If I froze my cakes for a few nights... May have been a Bit Curt with my phone shills}
Sorry to hear that! I always look at temp ratings on sleeping bags as a "You won't die rating" No one said you'd be comfortable at -60, but you won't die! ;)
It's another one those places you wish you knew what you were actually getting!

I was hoping by getting a -60 bag that I would be comfortable to -20. You would really hope for better customer service than they provided as well!
There is no industry standard for testing/setting temperature ratings on sleeping bags so it's left to the manufacturer unfortunately. Western Mountaineering and Feathered Friends are the closest to their advertised ratings in my experience.
Yeah, my old -5 F. Caribou Mountaineering synthetic bag did work at that temperature but only when I wore a heavy base layer long john.

Now I have an LL Bean -20 F. down bag and it IS good to that temperature if I, again, wear heavy long johns and a fleece balaclava with my REI FLASH All Season air mattress.
I dunno if your Klymit mattress has "open" areas as some Klymits do but I'd recommend a mattress with at least an R 5 rating. R 6 is much better. I use a 1/8" closed-cell floor underlayment layer beneath my winter air mattress "just in case".

Eric B.
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