Sleeping bag decision

LR Guru

Formerly '300NM_guru'
Jan 24, 2020
So I'm in the market for a new sleeping bag. I'm tired of packing my synthetic bag so I'm getting a down bag. I've narrowed my options but don't know which bag to buy.
SG chilkoot 0 degree
WM Antelope MF 5 degree
WM Alpenlite 20 degree w/ a liner
A WM sleeping bag will last you for decades. And it's made in USA. There are also some outlets that can supply it "overstuffed" for the same price. Hermit's Hut is one; I have no association with either WM or HH.
As someone who tried to make a summer bag (36 degree) more versatile by adding a liner I would say avoid it. Its constricting, uncomfortable, and just one more thing to try and set up and put away each time. Two different bags as two different tools for two different weather applications. Its much easier to find a light weight 20-30 degree bag for cheap if you decide you need one later, but if this is your primary cold weather bag I would go 0 degree. No personal experience with SG or WM but I would assume you are getting quality either way.
Have heard excellent things about SG's down products. I would not count on using a 0 degree bag in summer in hardly any climate, but it's just about ideal as a hunting season bag. WM is the gold standard- hard to go wrong with your choices.
So I haven't used the one specified but I have spent a good number of nights in a REI 0 degree bag. One thing I could say is if you sleep warm at all anything 20degrees or above it can be plenty toasty. I have spent a number of nights with it open using it as a blanket. This may have also been due to the fact I keep thinking I'm just a human taco when it's zipped. 😬

That being said WM make a great bag and I have been on the fence myself if going to a bit cooler bag in the 20 degree range and WM has been at the top of my list.
I have a Marmot hybrid,its treated down on the top and synthetic on the bottom.
Rated 0-F ,I have been truly cold a couple times,I will fling it open before I will be cold.
AND I would not like to stay in this bag at 0 without a good shelter.
For second rifle season colorado at about 9,500 is a 0° bag with a thick sleeping mat on a cot, in a canvas tent going to be enough? Can wear base layers to bed of needed
I really love my WM Alpinelite!!
When it's wamer I use a down Enlightened Equipment Enigma 30 degree.
I'm in Montana and have never had an issue with down. If I get wet inside my tipi something went horribly wrong. Or I spilled my beer ha!
But those WM bags have a super good water resistant shell.
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