What's your guys' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?


Jul 22, 2004
What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

I've been hunting in california for all my life, and the distances are so short you don't even need to really account for the bullet's trajectory (though I do). I'm heading on down to arizona for the next 4 years, so this might just change, and I was just wondering how some of you guys judge distance. Do you trust your intuition, use a range estimating reticle, laser range finder, super long tape measures
? This is obviously a foreign skill for me and I'm just trying to learn up to make myself a better hunter.
Re: What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

There should be several reference posts on this site somewhere about this but we'll chat about it here too I guess.

For accurate long range hunting the distance must be known accurately, not an estimate in the less than accurate sense.

For hunting I use a laser rangefinder unless I've built a range card, know the distance from previous laser ranging sessions or it's obviously close (200 yards or less). For sniper competitions I use a MilDot reticle but the target size is known and the MilDot works well in that environment.

There are also folks that use optical rangefinders like the Barr and Stroud and likes.

[ 07-22-2004: Message edited by: Dave King ]
Re: What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

Rangefinder only. Guys here turned me on to a Leica 1200 I believe is the correct name and model. Still haven't ordered one, but definitely will when I get all of my pennies together (and definitely before I go hunting)
Re: What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

I shoot where I live, so over time I have set up paper in numerous locations, punched holes and noted the elevation on the scope. So if I see anything I want to poke, I dial in and squeeze. Kinda like cheat'in ain't it.

Re: What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

>>>Rangefinder only. Guys here turned me on to a Leica 1200 I believe is the correct name and model. Still haven't ordered one, but definitely will when I get all of my pennies together (and definitely before I go hunting)<<<

I just looked that thing up on the internet. Does the fact that it's 20lbs bother you?
Re: What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

I don't know what you looked up on the internet, but it was not the Leica 1200. It almost fit's in your shirt pocket! You must have looked up a Wild or one of the other optical range finders.

Re: What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

he he
. I looked on the specs and thought it was 320 OUNCES instead of grams. Stupid me.
Re: What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

If I am in "game country", I set up a range card and range locations (likely places where animals will show themselves) with my Leica 1200. It gives me the quality ranging I seek.

I have found that mil-dots are great on known-sized targets but game are not known until you put them down.

Once a range card is established, a nice "sniper ambush" is set and ready for activation. The only thing you need to remember is to dial on your atmospheric elevation and temperature correction (given windage and other elevation come-ups, too).

Hope this helps, at least a bit.

Re: What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

For shots over 1000 the Barrs and Stroud or Wilde optical range finders ($500) are the only way unless you can afford one of the $5k lasers.

Re: What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

I use a wild range finder for most of are longe range shots the Leicas wont range that far.
Crow Mag
Re: What\'s your guys\' way to estimate distance while LR hunting?

If the area is fenced I'll use the fences for reference.A section fence is a mile apart.Quarter sections are a 1/2 mile apart.An eighty is 440yards by 880,a forty is 440 square.In this area roads are a mile apart.
For criters the reticle can be used with a little practice to get the range.
When we set up for long range prairie dogs the Wild comes out and works great as long as I dont have to carry it around.
If all else fails a round is fired and with the help of the MP8 reticle a second shot will be real close.
Scouting an area realy helps to get an idea of the ranges encountered.
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