What knives are y'all using?

Many years ago I turned in a Cabela's gift certificate for a Dunn custom knife, I was so impressed with the knife and the sheath I looked on the Internet for the sheath, lo and behold one came up on eBay for a whopping $15, I bought it and when it arrived it included a broken fillet knife from Dunn custom knives. I knew they had a lifetime warranty so I sent it back with the letter explaining how I came across it, the man was nice enough to send me not only a new knife but a Nice letter explaining that his knives are warranted forever and I should thank the man I bought the sheath from, So when I go to the great American outdoorsman show in Harrisburg and I see the owner and his booth, I stop and buy another knife, I don't know why, because I've never had to sharpen any of them but they are very beautiful pieces of craftsmanship and I'll support that till I die
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